Invisible String

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Green was the color of the grass

Where I used to read at Centennial Park

I used to think I would meet somebody there

Teal was the color of your shirt

When you were sixteen at the yogurt shop

You used to work at to make a little money

The first time I saw her she was walking down the beach, headphones in and a book in her hand. It was a miracle that she hadn't run into anyone. Some may say that its creepy, but I couldn't stop watching her. Admiring her. She was perhaps the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. Hair up in a bun, dressed in a pair of jean shorts and a red bikini top. I know I should have said something to her but I got caught up in conversation and next thing I knew she was gone.

Bad was the blood of the song in the cab

On your first trip to LA

You ate at my favorite spot for dinner

Bold was the waitress on our three year trip

Getting lunch down by the lakes

She said I looked like an American singer

The second time I saw her was at the local bookstore. The pogues and I were out getting drinks for the kegger tonight and as we walked by the bookstore I saw her through the window. I could have stayed and watched her read book covers for hours. However, my friends had different plans, John B pulled me along telling me to "stop staring" because it was creepy.

Time, mystical time

Cuttin' me open, then healin' me fine

Were there clues I didn't see?

And isn't it just so pretty to think

All along there was some

Invisible string

Tying you to me?

The third time I saw her she was driving through the cut windows down blasting a song I had never heard. Both of us stopped at a red light, her in an old beat up Jeep Wrangler and me on my dirtbike, helmet on. She looked over and noticed me staring, she gave me a small smile then kept on singing as the light turned green and she was gone. I swear i felt my heart flutter at her soft eyes and elegant smile.

A string that pulled me

Out of all the wrong arms right into that dive bar

Something wrapped all of my past mistakes in barbed wire

Chains around my demons, wool to brave the seasons

One single thread of gold tied me to you

The fourth time I saw her she was picking up food at the wreck. I was waiting for Kie to finish her shift so we could head out and go fishing with the crew. Something in me knew this could be my last chance, I mean how many times could I run into her before I never see her again.

She walks out the front door and I follow like a bat out of hell.

"Hey excuse me?"

She turns around a little confused by the stranger yelling at her.

"Can I help you?" her voice was angelic, better than anything I could have imagined.

"I just, umm" suddenly I lost every ounce of courage I had in me.

"Wait you're JJ right? Kie's friend?"

"You know who I am?"

"Yeah," she says, tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear. "I've seen you around with Kie, I kinda of thought that you looked familiar so I asked her your name"

I let out a small laugh and a look of confusion grew on her face.

"Was that funny?" she giggles nervously, oh my god that might be my new favorite sound

"No, it's just that I swear all year I see you everywhere. I'm sorry it took this long to introduce myself"

"Oh, well I'm y/n" she smiles and offers her hand for a handshake.

I graciously take it and before I let go I take my chance.

"So, y/n is there anyway you would want to go out with me tonight?"

"Are you.. I ummm.." she could barely speak, her hand still in mine. "I would love to" she finally says with a smile.

Time, wondrous time

Gave me the blues and then purple pink skies

And it's cool, baby, with me

And isn't it just so pretty to think

All along there was some

Invisible string

Tying you to me?

(702 words)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2023 ⏰

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