Hard Days, Harder Nights

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Background: This is a non canon imagine. You and JJ have been together for a couple years, and you are working in a nursing home.


It had been a really long day, I was mentally and physically exhausted. For as long as I could remember I wanted to be a nurse, but because of the way I grew up I needed to work for a while to be able to pay for college. Luckily through school I was able to get my Certified Nursing Assistant licenses, that got me one step closer to my dream and allowed me to make money. I had been working for about six months and I was honestly enjoying it. I know it's what they call, shit work and all but I was helping people and that was enough for me.

Normally I wasn't this tired when I came home, but today was not like other days. I worked a 12 hour shift and unfortunately I had experienced something that I hope wouldn't come for a while. I watched somebody die. It was right before my shift ended too, so when I finally climbed into my car it was still fresh on my mind. I don't really remember driving home, but all I wanted was a hug from my boyfriend.

I got home and hopped out of my car. JJ must have known that I was going to be tired when I got home, because he was waiting for me outside of our small house. I don't know if he could see the dispare on my face, but he walked up to me and engulfed me in the biggest hug. That was exactly what I needed. He didn't say anything, just ushered me into the house and then into the bathroom. He knew that despite how tired I was I still would want to shower. He helped me take off my scrubs and turned on the water. As soon as it hit my skin I felt more awake. I gave him a soft smile, signaling that I would be fine in the shower alone. He nodded and closed the bathroom door on the way out. I took what might have been the longest shower in history. I just wanted to wash this day off, but no matter how long I stood there all I could think about was what I saw today.

I finished my shower and did my typical night time routine. I walked out of the bathroom wearing the pj shorts and shirt that JJ had laid out for me. I didn't notice it was his shirt until I pulled it over my shoulders and smelt a mix of weed and salt water. It was honestly my favorite smell.

JJ was laying in our bed with the covers pulled down on my side, a signal for me to hop in and that I did. I curled up to him and let out a breath I didn't realize I had been holding in. I could feel him pull me in as close as possible and kiss the top of my head. I closed my eyes and laid on his chest, listening to his breathing and steady heartbeat. I thought it had calmed me down, but I bursted out into tears. JJ looked down at me, I could feel his heart breaking. He hates it when I am sad.

"Baby, what's wrong? Did something happen at work today" JJ said in the softest, sweetest voice possible. I pulled myself up so I was looking at him and he slowly wiped the tears from my face, even though more started to appear.

"It was just such a long day, and then to top it off do you remember me telling you about the really sweet lady that always tries to give me sweets and constantly asks about you?" I said weakly

"Yeah, I do. You said you showed her a picture of us and she said "damn sweetie you got a good one"." He joked. I couldn't help but chuckle at his statement. But soon enough sadness returned to my body and I sniffled before I told him what had happened

"I watched her die today. And there was nothing I could do. I mean I knew that some day I was going to have to deal with this, but I didn't think it would be so soon. I mean I got into this line of work because I wanted to help people, and I didn't want anyone to feel the way that I have in the past."

" Awe baby, I know you just want to help. But sometimes it's just people's time. You know?" JJ responded pulling me back into a hug and I hugged him back so tightly that I thought I was going to suffocate him. He let go slightly and looked dead into my y/e/c eyes. Every time he looked at me I just melted into his beautiful blue eyes.

"You are going to help so many people, we are going to save enough money and you are going to go to nursing school and become the best nurse in the world. I am so proud of you. You inspire me everyday to help others and do better for myself" He always knew what to say to me to make me smile. As a smile plastered my face I leaned into his lips. They were soft and tender. We have kissed a million times, but for some reason this one felt different. It melted everything in the world away and made me feel incredibly safe. When we pulled apart I found my way back to his bare chest and once again closed my eyes listening to the sound of his heart beat. Just as I was about to drift off to sleep I ran my hand up his chest and quietly said "I love you jay"

He pulled me in a little closer and leaned down to my ear and whispered back, as if he only wanted me to hear "I love you more princess". He kissed the back of my ear and we soon drifted asleep.

No matter what JJ Maybank could always make me feel better. It was that night that I knew I was going to love this man for the rest of my life.

(1053 words)

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