The Text

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Today is the first day back at school. I was planning on skipping out and drinking my problems away but Kie and Pope dragged me here. I could honestly never stand school, the only reason I would go was to be with y/n. But she's gone.

We walked inside to see a little memorial set up for her and John B. These people didn't even know them, and now they want to pretend that they meant so much. I wanted to take my lighter to signs that they made, it just infuriated me. But Kie and Pope dragged me through the school to our first class.

It had been about half an hour and I could feel myself starting to doze off. Then a phone buzzed. I looked down and saw that it was mine, well mine, Kie's, and Pope's.

"Whose phone was that?" the teacher asked, turning away from the board. No one responded.

He turned back around and kept talking about whatever he was trying to teach us. I looked up and made eye contact with my friends, silently asking if they got the same text. They both nodded, and I made my way out of my seat over to them.

We all opened the text at the same time. That's when I saw it. A picture of John B, Sarah, and Y/n. I looked at my friends in disbelief. I quickly stood up and ran out of the classroom. I could hear Kie and Pope tell the teacher "family emergency" as they ran out after me.

We made our way out to the courtyard. All staring helplessly at our phones. Could this really be them? Is my best friend alive? Is Sarah? Or y/n? God y/n.

"I mean, is that even possible? I mean, Shoupe said that they didn't make it. He said that." Kie asked, I could tell that she wanted to believe, but this was a lot.

"Okay, but I... I think we're overreacting, 'cause we can't rule out the possibility that this could all be some kind of weird, cruel hoax." Pope tried to reason with us, but I was not going to give in.

"I'm just gonna ask." Kie said, I was going to but she beat me to it.

Kie: WTF is this you??

It felt like an hour before he texted back

Unknown: Is JJ there?

I felt my heart drop a little bit. I mean I hoped that this was them, but I didn't want it to be a joke and lose my family over again.

Me: I'm here Bree

I knew that he would get what I was saying, that was my way of telling if it was him. That when I got the text back

Unknown: Did you pimp my shortbread?

We all burst out laughing, this was them no question.

"It's them" I said with a smile on my face, the first time I have smiled in weeks.

Kie and Pope hugged each other as I just sat there in bliss. Then I jumped up and whooped. Cheering for the fact that the people I needed right now were still alive.

John B filled us in on his location and asked us to clear his name so they could come home. As much as I was happy to be communicating with my best friend, I wanted to make sure my girlfriend was okay.

Unknown: Laying super low in Nassau

Unknown: Can you clear my name? Wanna come home.

Kie: Yeah, you got it.

Me: Bro is y/n there?

Unknown: Hey blondie

I giggled at the name that she called me, it was the first thing she called me when we met. I always told her I hated the nickname, but hearing it now made me feel safe.

Me: Y'all are coming home babe, I promise.

Me: I love you

It took a minute before I got anything back, I was afraid something had happened but then my phone rang again.

Unknown: I love you too.

Unknown: We will be in touch, stay safe you guys.

I looked up at my friends and this time I joined in on their hug.

We pulled apart, all of us with huge smiles on our faces. I was the first one to speak

"Looks like we have some work to do"

Kie and Pope nodded in agreement.

Nothing else mattered, we were going to prove our friend's innocence and we were going to get our family back.

(740 words) 

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