Home Life

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Requested by ilustforyoureyes: maybe like y/n has an emotionally abused home and jj finds out about it and she tries to reject talking about it but he finally gets her to talk?

"Can't you do anything right" my mom yells at me in another drunken rage.

I came home five minutes after my curfew, and was met at the door by my drunk mother and high father. I can always count on them to be fucked up when i come home.

I am so used to this so I just walk in the house and head straight for my room. Unfortunately tonight my parents were too messed up to follow.

My dad stood in front of me before I could make it down the hallway.

"Can I please go to my room?" I ask in the nicest sarcastic voice I can muster up.

"No, you think you can just waltz in here after curfew and get away with it" my father spat at me.

"I was five minutes late" I rebut, but that is just going to get me in more trouble.

"And why were you late" my mother slurred "proably out fucking that lowlife you call a boyfriend"

"You're such a little slut" my father added.

I could feel the rage start to rise in my body. I have gotten used to them shitting on my and calling me names, but there is no reason to bring JJ into this.

"First of all, he's not my boyfriend, he's my best friend. And second, I happened to be a work, and on my way home I stopped to get so food, because I knew you two sure as hell didn't make anything" I yell at my parents

That's when it happened, my mother slapped me across the face. I stand there in shock, they have been verbally abusive for a long time. But never have they hit me.

My hand flies up to the side of my face and I feel the tears start to pool in my eyes.

"Don't ever talk back to me again. You are a worthless excuse for a daughter, I wish you were never born" my mother rants

Before she could tell me anything else, I ram past my dad and ran to my room locking the door.

My parents come banging at my door, and I just try to ignore it. Soon enough they stop yelling at me and leave me alone.

I lay down on my bed and silently let the tears flow down my face. I can't think about anything other than the hurtful words that they said to me. I want so badly not to believe them, but when such awful things come from your parents it's hard not to believe them.

She said she wished that I was never born, how could your own mother say that.

I ended up crying myself to sleep.


The next morning I wake up to the sun shining in my room. I carefully open my door and don't hear anything in the house. I check the window and both my parents are gone. Thank God.

I walk back into my room and lay back on my bed. I tried not to think about last night but it was hard. Maybe a shower will help.

After my shower, I get out and walk back into my room.

I go to open the door, but then I hear something inside. I quickly look in the hallway to see if there is anything I can use to defend myself and I pick up the lamp on the table.

I slowly open my door ready to pounce. A figure walks from the side of my room and I raise the lamp to strike.

"Woah," JJ says as he ducks down. I lower the lamo and let out a sigh of relief.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I question the blond boy in my room.

"You didn't answer your phone" he says before staring at my face "What the hell happened to your face?" he questions.

Damn it, I totally forgot.

"Nothing" I shrug hoping that JJ would drop it.

I set the lamp down and walk over to get some clothes from my drawer.

"Turn around" I say to JJ and he quietly turns around

I quickly change into some comfy clothes and tell JJ that he can turn around. He walks over and sits down on my bed, his eyes haven't left my face.

"JJ, stop staring" I sigh

"Seriously y/n, what happened to your face?" he asks again. Then I hear the door slam. Shit my aprents are home. And JJ is sitting on my bed.

"JJ you have to go, right now" I whisper yell. He looks really confused

My parents walk in the house and immediately start yelling "Y/n why the hell is this kitchen still dirty" my mother yells

I know I need to respond, but I have to get JJ out of here. I can hear my parents coming down the hallway, so I push JJ into my closet. He resists a little, but closes the door behind him.

"You little bitch, I told you to clean the fucking house" My mom yells as she enters my room.

"I'm sorry, I woke up late." I say quietly

"That's no excuse, you clean this place, I want it fucking spotless." she continues to yell at me.

Then she walks a little down the hallway and I can hear her talking to my dad "I told you she was worthless, can't do anything fucking right" I tear up at her words once more. That word worthless it's killer.

A few minutes later I hear the door close, and the car pulls out of the driveway again. I sat down on my bed, forgetting that JJ was still in my closet.

"Y/n" JJ says quietly as he exits my closet. I can't help but look up at him with tears in my eyes and instantly break down.

JJ wraps his arms around my body, and I melt into his touch.

After a while JJ manages to calm me down.

"Why didn't you tell me" JJ croaks out, he was crying too.

I look up to see the tears falling down his face.

"Why are you crying" I ask as he wipes the tears off my face.

"Because it hurts me that you have to deal with this, with them" JJ sniffles.

"It's really fine JJ" I try to smile and wipe the tears off his cheeks.

He releases me from his grip and stares blankly into my eyes.

"It's not fine, y/n. They can't speak to you like that. You know that you are not anything that they say is true right?" JJ runs his hands down my arms as he speaks

I try to nod, but honestly I don't know.

"Y/n look at me. You are the kindest, most caring, loving, beautiful girl in the entire world. I need you to believe that" I look up at JJ and take in all his features.

Without thinking I lean into his lips and as soon as they connect the world melts away.

His hands make their way to the side of my face and he deepens the kiss.

As soon as we pulled away, our eyes met.

"Thank you" I whisper as a smile appears on my face for the first time in the last 24 hours.

"Anything for you" JJ whispered back, pulling my lips back to his.

When we pull apart again, he has a smirk plastered on his face.

He stands up and puts his hand out. I grab it and he pulls me up and starts dragging me out of my room.

"Where are we going?" I giggle

"I'm getting you out of here" he says.

I don't know what is going to happen, later but I know that with JJ by my side I can get through anything. 

(1318 words - hope you enjoy!)

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