Finding Out

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Y/n POV:

I am currently living most sixteen year old girl's worst nightmare. I have been trying to ignore the fact that my period is three weeks late. And for the past week I have woken up and thrown up what seemed to be all my insides.

I tried for so long to avoid this fact, but it was getting too much. I needed to know.

So here I am standing in a store on the other side of the island, staring at the pregnancy tests.

After standing here for way too long I grabbed a couple different ones so I knew whatever the results were accurate.

As I checked out the cashier gave me a questionable look, like I didn't know that it was awkward for a teenager to be buying a bunch of pregnancy tests.

I quietly made my way back to my car, and when I got in I let out a breath I didn't realize I had been holding in.

I drove home in silence to the chateau. I knew I would be alone because everyone else was working for at least another hour.

I parked the car and walked straight into the kitchen and grabbed a large glass of water.

I downed the water and made a b-line for the bathroom.

I was trying so hard not to think about the gravity of the situation as I peed on the three tests.

I sat them all in a row upside down on the counter, and set my five minute timer.

I finally looked up and faced myself in the mirror. All I could do was let my mind wonder.

I thought about what would happen if I turned them over and they were positive.

I mean, first of all how was I supposed to take care of a baby. I mean I am a sixteen year old kid with a job that barely keeps the lights on.

Second, what would happen with JJ. I mean we have been together for a year and all, but is this what he would want? I mean we talked about having a family in the future in passing but never serious. Would he leave?

I had to stop myself from letting my mind wander too far down that road, before I had a full blown anxiety attack.

Then I started thinking about what would happen with my brother. I mean would John B be mad. Would he want me to stay here, would he be supportive, would he kill JJ for getting me pregnant.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when the timer went off.

It was now or never. I took a deep breath and flipped the first one over.


Then next one


The last one


I felt the tears begin to stream down my face. I am terrified. But when I looked in the mirror there was a small smile on my face.

I placed my hand over my stomach and knew that no matter what was going to happen. I loved this baby, more than anything.


It had been a few days since I found out that I was pregnant and I was starting to get antsy about telling JJ.

I know that he could tell that something was bothering me, but he knew it was best to wait for me to tell him what was going on.

We were all sitting outside watching the sunrise when I suddenly felt the need to hurl my guts out. I hopped off of JJ's lap and ran into the bathroom.

After a few minutes I fell back against the wall and sat there catching my breath. Then I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in," I said. Much to my surprise when the door opened it was my brother not my boyfriend.

"Hey are you alright?" He asked coming to sit down next to me. I was staring at the ground knowing that if he pressed me much more I would probably spill.

"Yeah I'm good" I said still staring down

"Yeah you say that but you have been throwing up every morning for the past like week" I hadn't realized that he had been so observant. I don't even think JJ has noticed.

"John B" I said very quietly slowly looking up at him. I had a few tears pooling in my eyes.

"Hey whatever it is you can tell me" My brother said sweetly wiping the tears that had fallen.

I took a deep breath and decided to just rip the bandaid off "I'm pregnant" I said very quietly

Much to my surprise my brother pulled me into a hug and kissed the top of my head "It's gonna be okay y/n. I promise." We sat there for a little longer, a few more tears falling from my eyes.

"Have you told JJ?" John B questioned and I could tell he was curious.

"No" I said bluntly

"Why" he said as he guided my eyes to his so that I was looking at him.

"Because what if he leaves me?" I cried. John B just wrapped me back up in his arms.

"He won't. And anyway if he does I'll kick his ass. No matter what, this baby is going to have a kick ass mom and an awesome uncle."

John b's words made my giggle a bit, a smile appearing on my face once more. We sat there for a little while longer before he told me that it was probably best to just tell JJ.

I agreed and he helped me up off the floor. I asked him to tell JJ to meet me in our room as we made our way out of the bathroom.

He agreed and gave me one last hug.

I made my way to our room and pulled out the tests that I took a few days ago.

I heard a knock on the door and said " come in"

This time it was my blue eyed blonde hair boyfriend. He seemed worried as he walked in and sat down on the bed.

I walked over with the test behind my back and I sat down. He wouldn't meet my gaze; he was just staring down at his hands.

"Babe" I said, trying to get him to look at me.

Suddenly his head shot up and he just blurted out "are you breaking up with me"

"What no! Why would you think that?" I exclaimed

"Well because you have been really quiet the past few days and I know you were crying in the bathroom with JB. I just I love you so much and I don't want to lose you"

"Hey hey you are not losing me. I promise"

"Well then what is going on"

I took a deep breath and pulled the sticks from behind my back, placing them in his hands.

He looked down and then back at me. I couldn't read the look on his face so I just said it "I'm pregnant"

JJ looked back down at the test and then at me with tears starting to form in his eyes.

"Are you serious?" He asked with a smile forming on his lips.

"Yeah baby I am" I whispered a smile also forming on mine.

All of a sudden JJ jumped up and picked me up planting a huge kiss on my lips. He spun me around and was giggling up and a storm, me doing the same.

Finally he set me down on the ground and pulled me into the biggest hug. After he released me he got down on his knees so that he was in line with my stomach. He placed his hands over the nonexistent bump I had and started to whisper "Hi baby maybank. You are going to have the best life, I promise"

His words made me smile even bigger. I pulled him up back to my lips and kissed him softly.

"I love you" I whispered as we pulled apart.

"I love you more" He said in return. 

(1341 words)

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