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Requested by ilymount: the reader and the pogues are on like a gold hunting for like a week straight and the reader hasnt eaten for like the whole week so when they arrive at the cut and she gets off the boat she just falls and drop unconscious and jj gets worried


This has been one hell of a week. You would have thought that looking for gold would be so taxing. I honestly don't think I've had a proper meal in the past five days. We have been going nonstop, out all day, barely sleeping.

I honestly haven't been thinking about myself, because getting this gold is way too important.

We are on the way back to the chateau, and we finally found the gold. Now all we have to do is find a way to get it out of the well. Finally, the boat docks and everyone starts to get off.

JJ reaches out for my hand, I stand up to grab it and suddenly feel really dizzy.

The world feels like it's spinning and then all I see is black.


I was helping y/n off the boat, as soon as she stood up something felt off. Then she fell, I tried my best to grab her as she went down but I wasn't fast enough. She hit her head on the side of the boat.

"Y/n" I half yelled, grabbing the attention of our friends who were already halfway up the dock.

I laid her down on the dock, freaking out not knowing what to do.

"Guy help" I yelled toward them, as they started to make their way around us.

"What happened?" John B questioned kneeling down beside me.

"I, I don't know. When she stood up it looked like she was dizzy and then she passed out, she hit her head. I tried to catch her but, but" I couldn't really formulate thoughts, my girl was lying unconscious with blood coming from the side of her head.

"JJ" Pope said from behind me, but I couldn't take my eyes off her. I hadn't even noticed that I was crying.

"JJ, let me" Pope said again. John B pulled me back again, and pope went over to check something. I was so scared I could barely function.

After what felt like hours Pope turned back to me.

"She should be okay, the cut on her head isn't that bad, and I think she is just dehydrated. When was the last time someone saw her eat or drink anything?" He asked.

Everyone just looked around, then I realized that I don't think I've seen her eat in days.

We were all going hard trying to find the gold, but I didn't think it was this bad. God I'm so stupid.

"Let's get her inside" Kie said, John B and pope went to get her up, but I gathered myself enough to pick her up.

"I got her" I choked out, still trying to recover from my crying.

I walked her into the house and laid her down in my bed. I sat down on the other side and just stared at her. There was no way in hell I was going to leave her.

Pope brought some water into the room, with a few granola bars. For when she woke up.

After about an hour, I noticed her stirring.

"Jay" she half whispered as her eyes fluttered open, her hand going up to the side of her head.

"Baby" I whispered back, laying my hand on her cheek as she step.

"What happened?" She groaned.

"You passed out and hit your head. I tried to catch you, I'm so sorry I wasn't fast enough" I said quickly.

"Hey, hey whatever happened it's not your fault" she told me, even when she is the one in trouble, she still tries to make me feel better.

I pull her into a hug and let out a sigh.

Suddenly the door opened to see the rest of our friends, standing there. They must have heard her wake up.

"Hey" Kie said walking in and sitting next to y/n "How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay I think" Y/n said leaning into my chest as I held her close.

"I hate to bombard you with questions, but when was the last time you ate?" Pope asked, standing at the end of the bed.

"Umm, honestly I'm not sure. You think that's why I passed out?" She asked pope.

"Probably, I'm sorry y/n we should have been paying more attention"

"It's not your fault, Pope. I should have paid more attention" She sighs

"Well, we will let you rest, Pope brought in some water and granola bars. I suggest you eat them" John B said, ushering the rest of our friends out of the room.

They gave us both small smiles as they left, closing the door on the way out.

We sat in silence for a little longer, y/n had eaten the granola bars and drank the water that pope brought her.

"I'm so sorry baby" I whisper into her ear "I should have paid more attention"

"JJ, it's not your fault. We have all been running around all week. I just didn't think about myself. If anything I should be apologizing to you. I'm sorry that I scared you." She said, running her hands up and down my arms.

"How about we both stop apologizing and just promise to take care of ourselves, and watch out for each other." I said to her, kissing her cheek.

"Sounds good to me" She smiles falling deeper into my arms.

"I love you" I whisper to her

"I love you more" she said back

"Not possible"

(923 words) 

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