Blow Up

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Y/n POV:

I walked into the chateau after a long day of work. As I was expecting I saw my boyfriend of two years, JJ sprawled out on the couch fast asleep. He had been working a lot recently to cover for his dad, and on top of that we just found out that I am pregnant. We were both really scared at first, but I feel like over the past month we have both become really excited. We have been waiting for the right moment to tell everyone. I mean we don't really plan on telling his dad, and the only other "family" we have is the pogues. I told JJ that we should hold off on telling them mostly because I was afraid of what my brother John B was going to say or do.

I smiled softly at the small snores that were coming from him, he just looked so peaceful. I walked into my room, well it was basically me and JJ's room, and changed out of my work clothes. A small smile grew on my face as I caught a glimpse of the tiny little bump I was growing. I threw on one of JJ's t-shirts and made my way out onto the porch, where my friends were hanging out.

Kie and Pope were sitting on the couch that was situated against the window, while my brother sat on the chair in the corner with Sarah in his lap. I plopped down on the couch across from Kie and put my feet up on the small coffee table.

"Hi Y/n" Kiara said as I sat down. I sent her a smile for the acknowledgment.

"Hey guys, what ya talking about?" I asked, looking around at my friends.

"Nothing much," Pope shrugged. I nodded in response and sat back in my seat.

"So, y/n JJ still passed out on the couch?" My brother questioned, I don't know why but his tone hit a nerve.

"Yeah, why?" I asked back with a bit of an attitude.

"No reason" John B said rolling his eyes

"Seriously bro, if you've got something to say then say it" I said back, my voice was starting to get a little louder. I shifted in my seat so that I was sitting straight up staring down at my brother. Sarah had shifted in his lap, I could tell that she was getting a little uncomfortable.

"It just seems like every time I see him now he's smoking, drinking, or passed out on the couch." I could not believe what my brother just said to me. I mean this is his best friend we are talking about, he knows almost as well as I do what shit JJ has to deal with.

"What?" I was shocked. For a second I thought I had heard him wrong.

"You heard me," John B said standing up. Our friends looked very uncomfortable at the conservation we were having, but that was going to stop it.

"I can not believe you." I scoffed, standing up to meet him in his stance.

"What Y/n. You can't tell me that he isn't on a slippery slope. I mean he is rarely around anymore. Sometimes I even forget that you too are together. I am if I were you I would be worried about where he disappears too. We both know his history." At this point John B was standing about a foot away from me.

"Fuck you" I said, I went to turn around and walk away from him, but he just couldn't stop talking.

"I'm just trying to protect you. You're my sister, and I don't want him to drag you down with him. Or even worse he slips up and turns into his dad" That last thing pushed me over the edge, JJ was nothing like his father.

I turned around and slapped my brother straight across the face, with all the force I had in my body going into the swing.

"You know nothing about him. So much for your "best friend" right. I mean come on JB. I can not believe you just compared JJ to his dad. JJ is the most loyal person on this entire island. One he would never ever cheat on me, so fuck you for even thinking that. Two you want to know why JJ isn't around a lot. It's because he has been working two or three jobs to make sure that we are taken care of. He leaves before the sunrises and gets home after it sets. So sue him for wanting to come home and smoke and drink to relax." I could feel my face heating up from all the yelling. Pope and Kie got up to try and separate us from each other, but I was so livid that I kept going.

"And lastly, when was the last time you actually asked JJ if he was okay. Because I know for a fact that he could use his best friend right now." I realized that I shouldn't have said that last part as soon as it came out of my mouth.

"What's going on out here?" I heard from behind me. I turned around to see my blonde headed boyfriend rubbing his eyes.

"Nothing" I responded walking inside, passing him and heading straight for our room. I sat down on the bed and I could feel the tears run down my face.

A couple of seconds later I heard the door open and suddenly I was wrapped up in my boyfriend's arms. He kissed my temple and began to run his hands through my hair.

"What's wrong babe?" He questioned

"John B just said some stuff that he shouldn't have and you know my hormones are all over the place" I said with a slight giggle as I whipped the tears from my eyes.

"What did he say?" JJ seemed curious at what had gotten under my skin.

"He just made some stupid comment about you always sleeping or not being around recently. God if he even knew, I mean you are working yourself to death just to make sure that our family is going to be okay" I started to cry again. JJ really was the best guy in the world and he was going to be the best dad.

JJ was running his hand up and down my back, he knows that it alway seems to calm me down.

"Hey, listen to me. I don't give a shit what your brother has to say okay. And everything I am doing is because I love you and I love the little bug you're growing in there" He says as he points to my stomach. I looked at him and giggled a little bit. Laying my head on his shoulder.

"God I love you" I said tilting my head up to kiss him. He looked down and met my lips with his.

We sat there for a few more minutes. The silence was nice, but both of us knew that we were going to have to tell our friends the truth. We decided that it was time. We walked out hand in hand back into the living room where our friends were waiting for us. Based on the look on my brother's face I could tell that he was sorry.

"Look guys, clearly there has been some confusion on why I was a little MIA recently, but I have been picking up a lot of extra shifts to make some more money." JJ said to the group.

"JJ you don't have to explain yourself." Sarah said, trying to break the tension that her boyfriend had caused.

"You're right Sarah, but there is something else that we need to tell you guys" I said, taking a deep breath and grabbing onto JJ's hand.

"I'm pregnant" I said, I thought that we were going to be met with yelling and disappointment. But that was not the case.

Sarah and Kie both ran up and pulled us into a hug. They seemed so excited. Pope's jaw dropped, then turned into a huge smile. I knew they wanted to ask a million questions, but I was too focused on John B. He just sat there in silence. I broke away from the hugs and walked over to my brother.

"Look before you even say anything, we are totally prepared for this. Okay we have it all figured out, and I really need for you not to try and kill him because.." Before I could finish talking he pulled me into a hug and whispered "I'm gonna be an uncle?"

I pulled my head out from under his shoulders and looked up at him "Yeah you are"

We both erupted out in giggles, our hug soon turned into a group hug. I had honestly forgotten about the previous events that led to this moment. But none of that mattered. I was happy and that was all I needed.

(1491 words) 

JJ Maybank ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora