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I thought that having a kid was going to be the scariest thing in the world, that was until she was born.

Grace Booker Maybank, seven pounds and three ounces of pure sweetest.

Y/n is currently asleep, and I don't blame her. I mean she did just push this little thing out of her, I think she has deserved her rest.

Even asleep and exhausted she is still the most beautiful woman in the world, and it shocks me to my core that she chose me to spend the rest of her life with.

I look down at the baby in my arms and I see y/n's nose and lips, and my blue eyes. Damn our baby is adorable.

The moment I got to hold grace for the first time, it was like everything in my universe snapped clear into focus. Like my sole purpose in this world is to make sure my daughter has everything she could ever need.

I remember when y/n first told me she was pregnant, I was in such a mess. Scared that I was going to be just like my father, but when I heard her heartbeat for the first time things changed.

I sit down in the chair next to y/n's hospital bed and continue to rock Grace to sleep.

I continue to stare down at the life me and y/n created and begin to imagine everything we have in store.

Her first laugh, the first time she rolls over or walks, her first word (hopefully dada), her first day of school.

I can feel tears start to form in my eyes, thinking about only the first five years of her life.

"I promise to love you everyday, to make you laugh, to protect you. But I swear Gracie you have the best mom in the world, she is going to teach you everything you need to know and love you like there's no tomorrow" I coo looking down at the baby and she is fast asleep.

I place her in the bassinet in the hospital room, as I continue to stare at her. Knowing that she is going to grow up and become a wonderful lady just like her mom.

(369 words - sorry this one is really short and not great. My idea kind of faded as I wrote, but i liked the concept) 

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