I know a place

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"Jay" I whisper to JJ as I stand at the edge of the pullout. I tried saying his name a little louder, but the boy didn't move a muscle. So I walk over to the side of the bed and nudge his shoulder. He finally starts to stir and slowly opens his eyes. As soon as he sees me a tired smile appears on his face.

"Hi baby" he says with his sleepy voice. I put my finger up to my lips in an effort to make sure he stays quiet.

JJ sits up ever so slightly and his feet swing over the edge of the bed. I grab his hand and pull him up to me. His lips immediately met mine, I let out a content sigh finally getting a kiss from my boyfriend after hours of pretending we are just friends.

I lead JJ out of the house very quietly, and we walk in silence down to the edge of the dock. We both sit down and let our legs dangle, our feet making their way into the water.

JJ wraps his arms around me and pulls me close to his body, placing a few kisses on my neck.

"I hate that we have to do this" I sigh thinking about the fact that we are constantly hiding our relationship

"So do I" JJ sighs, resting his head on my shoulder.

"But if your brother found out I think he might kill me"

I lean my head back into him cuddling closer into his body.

"I know, I just wish that he could get over his whole no pogue on pogue macking shit. I hate that we have to steal moments together, I just want to be able to be with you without worrying about anyone else" I tell him while staring out at the marsh, the moon ever so slightly lighting the water.

"What if I told you I know a place we could go?" JJ says, running his fingers along my thigh.

"JJ I swear if you say Yucatan I am going to shove you into the freezing water" I giggle knowing where my boyfriend was going with this.

"Okay one I was not going to say Yucatan, even if that is a great idea" JJ slightly laughs "And two I was thinking more of a weekend away type of thing. Just you and me in a place where no one knows us and we can mack on each other anywhere we want"

I turn to face JJ to see if he is being serious right now, he looks serious as ever. A small smile appeared on my face and I ran my fingers through his hair moving to face him.

"Where would we go Jay?" I question smiling big

"Maybe someplace in South Carolina, few hours away" JJ suggest his eyes meeting mine

"I would love that" I say leaning in to place a small kiss on his lips

"But one question" I say causing JJ to raise an eyebrow at me

"How are we going to sell that to my brother without outright outing our relationship"

"Easy" JJ says " we just leave and don't tell anyone, well we like leave them a note that we are going on a road trip or some shit and when we get back we man up and tell them."

"You want to leave and not tell anyone" I laugh at JJ's suggestion

"Why not" JJ shrugs

Honestly his idea isn't the worst, but I think I have a better idea

"Or we could not run away and just tell them"

"Ah I like my idea better, an uninterrupted week without sounds like heaven" JJ smiles pulling me back into his arms

I roll my eyes at him, as much as I love his idea, it would just make things worse in the end.

"I think we sound just tell them in the morning" I sigh leaning back into him

"Fine, but after we do I am going to mack the shit out of you"

We both let out a little giggle and just sit and enjoy the moonlight over the marsh. Shit might hit the fan in the morning but as long as we are together none of it matters. 

(708 words)

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