"we need a win"

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Y/n POV:

"I'm going to marry you one day" JJ whispered into my ear, I think he thought that I was asleep.

For most fifteen year olds a statement like that would freak you out, but JJ's secret confession did scare me at all. It excited me, because I knew that he was the man that I was going to marry.

Me and JJ had been best friends for most of our lives, so when we started dating no one was really surprised. Kie literally started jumping up and down in excitement.

I snuggled farther into JJ's chest, and drifted off thinking about my future with the love of my life.


Two years later

A lot of shit has happened over the past couple of weeks.

We found the royal merchant, then got the gold stolen, JJ went to jail, we were shot at more times than I can count. John B and Sarah "died", and we got caught up in another treasure hunt, looking for a cross that belonged to Pope's family.

We are currently hanging around the chateau after a long night. Parties on the cut never ended well, but with everything that was going on with John B and Sarah, things were a little more tense.

However, that didn't seem to faze JJ. He was his usual upbeat, kind-hearted, goofy self.

We were sitting on the dock, without feet hanging off the side in the water. I had my back laying against his chest as his arms snaked around my waist holding me close.

I let out a long sigh pushing my body back farther against his chest, the stress of everything was starting to get to me a little.

"What's wrong baby?" JJ questioned, he could always tell when something was bothering me.

"It's just the past few weeks have been a lot, and I just feel like after all this crap we need something positive, not more crap." I could hear the irritation in my voice as I started to go on a mini rant.

"We need a win" I huffed, JJ placed a sweet kiss on my temple because that always seemed to calm me down.

He rested his head on my shoulder and hugged me a little tighter. I felt like in the moment everything was perfect. I mean that is how he always made me feel.

"We should get married" JJ spoke in the silence.

I quickly shot around, shock all over my face. I mean I knew that he wanted a future with me and I wanted one with him, but this was honestly really random.

"What?" I questioned

"I mean I know that technically we aren't old enough, but we can do all that official shit when we turn 18. I wanna marry you right here right now, because you are right we have had so much shit happen over the past few weeks. And if it has taught me anything, it's that I can't lose you y/n." JJ had adjusted my body so that I was now sitting comfortable in his lap, looking into his deep blue eyes. I have never seen this boy so serious. "I have been thinking about this moment for like my entire life. Ever since we were six playing in stupid sandbox your mom got even though we live five minutes from the water. I want to marry you."

JJ moved his hands up to cup my face, now tears creeping down my eyes. As he wiped the tears away, I let out a small giggle at how sweet this moment truly was.

"JJ Maybank, are you asking me to marry you?" I questioned curiously, I knew the answer but I wanted to hear him ask.

He let out a small laugh and placed a kiss on my lips.

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