See Me

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I know I don't normally put warnings but this one deals with self-consciousness and if you are having trouble with that you might want to skip this chapter. 

Lately I have been feeling really down about myself. Well, my body. I look around and I am surrounded by girls that are way prettier than I am. I mean Sarah and Kiara have literal perfect bodies, and I well I don't.

I don't have a thin waist, a flat stomach. My shoulders are broad, my thighs are thick, I have stretch marks running across my stomach, down my back, my arms. I literally hate everything.

And I know I shouldn't but I can't help it, I just want to be the girl that guys drool over.

So I decided that I needed a change. I started working out everyday, and I stopped eating.

I figure that'll help drop a few pounds.

Today was a typical summer day for our friend group, we were heading out on the boat at 11 so I got up at 9 and started my run. I ended up running around the island until 10:45 when I headed off to John B's.

When I got there I was already half exhausted, I have never been much of an athletic person so running so much gets kind of hard.

I got to John B's and everyone was already on the boat, so I slowly walked down the dock and hopped on the boat.

"Morning sunshine" John B said

I rolled my eyes, because I knew that I looked exhausted

"Didn't get much sleep last night, did ya?" He asked again

"Nope" I lied, as I sat in my normal spot next to JJ.

He quickly put his arm around my shoulders as I signal that I could lean on him if I was tired.

I gave him a small smile and accepted the offer.

We stayed on the boat for most of the day and by the time 5 o'clock hit my friends decided to go to the wreck for some food.

I was exhausted and I didn't really want comments about me not eating at dinner, so when we got back to the dock I politely told my friends that I was going to head home.

I made my way halfway to my car before I heard JJ yelling after me.

"Y/n wait" He said as he grabbed my arm turning me around.

"What's up JJ" I said tiredly

"What's up with you?" He asked curiously

"I don't know what you're talking about" I shrugged his question off.

"No no no, there is something going on with you. I'm your best friend, I notice these things" He said rubbing his hands down my arms

"Not everything" I mumble under my breath, slightly hoping that he didn't hear me but another part hoping he did.

Because honestly I wish that he noticed me. I see the way he looks at girl, admiring their body. The way he puts his hands on the girls he takes home for the night, god I just wish he would put his hands on me. Tell me that I'm beautiful.

"What was that?" damn it he heard me

"It's nothing JJ, I'm going home. I'll see you tomorrow" I say as I walk over and get in my car.

He stops the door before I can close it.

"Oh no, you are not getting away this easily" He stops me

"JJ can we just drop it, please. Everything is fine '' I let out a deep breath and put my head on the steering wheel.

"Y/n I know you better than anyone else, I know when something is bothering you. I have also noticed that you have been working yourself out to your limit. And you aren't eating" I look up at him with tears in my eyes, I guess he does pay attention.

"JJ, I just" He quickly pulls me into his arms as I sob quietly

"Shhh, baby it's okay" god he called me baby, that's definitely not going to help me calm down.

I pull back from his arms and I look up into his eyes.

"I just hate the way I look" I said quietly, by the look on JJ's face that is not what he thought I was going to say.

"What are you talking about, you are beautiful" HE says running his hand down my face.

"No I'm not. I don't look like sarah or kie or half the girls you go out with. I have fat all over my fucking body, and strech marks. You always ask why I don't wear bikinis, this is why. I am nowhere close to beautiful." I admit to JJ

"Okay, I am going to stop you there, because you are the most beautiful girl on this fucking island. You are so freaking sexy, nothing about your body displeasing to look at. I mean fuck y/n you are literally the most gourgoes girl in the world" JJ tells me.

I look at him with disbelief in my eyes. There is no way that he means any of this, he just wants me to stop crying

"You don't mean that JJ" I sigh

"Yes I do, Y/n when I have ever lied to you" I think for a second, and realize that he hasn't ever lied to me.

"Well, no but you said it yourself you are my best friend, you have to say these things" I avoid eye contact with him because I am afraid to break

"Y/n look at me" JJ says as he grabs my face and makes me look at him.

"You are so beautiful, don't you ever think otherwise. But it's not just your body, you have the greatest soul in the world. You are kind and caring. You are always there for me and now I am going to be there for you" I smile at JJ words, maybe I believe him

"Why don't you come with us to the wreck, come on it will be fun" I sigh and just agree to go with him, maybe he's right, but at least he's with me.

He grabs my hand and pulls me to the side of the chateau, suddenly my body is on his.

"I need you to promise me that if you ever feel like this again, that you will come to me and let me remind you how beautiful you are" He says holding me close

"Okay" I say and slowly nod my head, then he kisses the top of my head and we walk back over to our friends.

The rest of the night JJ doesn't take his eyes off me and every once in a while he tells me that I look beautiful. I know that it's a small thing, but maybe I was wrong. Maybe he does see me. 

(1109 words - this one is not the best)

JJ Maybank Imaginesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن