Call it what you want

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Part two to dress

Y/n POV:

JJ practically carried me back to the party, only to see red and blue flashing lights. I guess we know why Pope came looking for us.

As soon as the light caught his eyes JJ threw me back over his shoulder and started running toward the chateau. Luckily it was like a five minute walk so it didn't take long to get back.

When we got in sight of the house JJ put me back down on the ground and grabbed a hold of my hand, intertwining his fingers with mine.

"Looks like their home" I said, twinkie was in the driveway, I had no doubt that our friends ran as soon as the cops showed up.

"Ahh, well looks like we are about to face the masses" JJ half joked, but I could hear the slight fear in his voice.

We had talked about telling the others, but it started off as we wanted to see where things went before we told anyone. Then once we realized how we actually felt about each other, we got scared that they would hate us for breaking the rules or my brother would throw a fight and it would ruin things for us. So we just kept sneaking around.

Before we walked onto the porch I stopped and pulled JJ to face me.

"JJ listen to me, no matter what happens in there, I am not going anywhere. We are not going anywhere. Okay? It is you and me til the end of time, if they don't understand then screw em. Okay?" I was just as scared as JJ was, but after everything he has been through I knew that was what he needed to hear.

"Okay" He said, looking deep into my eyes and placing a kiss on my forehead.

We both took a deep breath and walked in the door.

John B, Kiara, and Pope were all sitting in the living room. Based on the laughter in the room, I don't think that Pope told them about what he saw.

"Hey guys" Kie smiled as we walked into the room.

"Where the hell were you two?" my brother asked jokily as he grabbed a beer from the fridge.

Pope was staying quiet, I think he was still a little scared from seeing JJ's tongue down my throat.

"Umm, we had just gone down the beach to get away from the crowd for a minute" JJ hesitated in his answer.

I guess that Pope snapped out of his thoughts, he huffed under his breath and rolled his eyes. I hoped no one noticed but Kiara did.

"Pope what's your problem?" She asked, confused by his actions. I sent Pope pleading eyes, as if not to tell, but I guess he didn't see them.

"Oh nothing, just that when I went to find them. I SAW THEM MAKING OUT!" Pope was never one to let his emotions come out, so his loud outburst was a bit of a shock.

"WHAT?" my brother yelled coming back into the living room.

"Ummm" I said, retreating closer to JJ. I knew that this was coming and still I had no idea what to do.

I felt JJ grab a hold of my hand and almost instantly I felt the fear leave my body. He looked down at me and smiled as if to tell me that it was now or never.

"You guys are going to explain or just stand there weirdly looking into each other's eyes" Kie said curiously.

"Alright, I'm gonna be straight up. Me and y/n have been dating for the past eight months, and John B before you hit me for macking on your sister. It is so much more than that. You guys have every right to be mad that we kept the secret for so long, but honestly we didn't want the lectures or the comments that were bound to be made every time we were together."

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