Breaking News

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Requested by Slayyy_ANGLES: Can u where yn gets shot by rafe and is fighting for her life and the pogues finds out on the news; Yn and JJ dating; John b and yn siblings


I looked down at my phone for probably the sixth time in the last minute. Y/n was supposed to meet us at the Wreck like an hour ago and she isn't picking up her phone or answering her texts.

"JJ chill she will be here when she gets here" Kie says as I fidget with my phone again.

I look up to meet her eyes and huff. I then turned to look over at John B, hoping that he was just as worried as me that his sister was apparently nowhere to be found.

As I met his eyes I can tell that he is fidgeting too. I went to ask him if he has any idea where she is but I was cut off as I heard Pope.

"Holy Shit" Pope practically yells his gaze focused on the tv.

That's when I see it.


Reports are circling about a shooting on the southside of the island. It occurred about an hour ago, reports say that there was an altercation between two teens. Resulting in gun fire. There is one injured, witnesses say that there was an argument between the two young teens, when one pulled a gun and fired on the other. She was taken to the hospital, but there is no news on her condition.

I couldn't even formulate a thought before John B's phone started to ring. That's when I knew.

"Hello?" He answered the phone "Yes, this is him." there was a pause before my best friend's face dropped.

"I'm on my way" was the only thing I heard him say, he rushed to grab his keys off the table.

I can hear Kie yelling after him, but I just followed running to twinkie.

We all managed to get in the car before John B sped off. His hands gripped so tight on the wheel.

"It's her isn't it" Kie said from the backseat. I wanted to say something, anything. But I was paralzed. All I could think about was the possibility that I was about to lose the love of my life, my best friend in the world.

John B didn't say anything he just pressed on the gas. Before we knew it we were at the hospital. We all ran into the hospital John B going straight to the desk.

"Hello, I'm got a call about my sister her name is Y/n, Y/n Routledge" He said his voice shaking

"John B?" I heard Shoupes voice as he was walking around the corner.

All our attention turned to Shoupe.

"What the hell happened?" John B started to yell. Again all I wanted to do was say something, find out what happened but I couldn't.

Shoupe sighs trying to collect his thoughts, at the end of the day he cares about us and this is just too much.

"Honestly, I don't know. The few witnesses that heard the shot saw a black SUV drive off. The paramedics said that she was hit twice, once in the stomach and once in the leg." Shoupe said.

My heart dropped again, I felt Pope and Kie beside me. Us all in pain thinking about losing our girl.

"She's in surgery, I talked to doc and he said that it might take a while" As Shoupe finished putting his hand on John B's shoulder.

That's when John B broke down, I don't think I have ever seen him cry this much before.

Kie and Pope immediately went to embrace him, and I just stood in my spot.

That's when I felt it, my chest tightened. I felt like I couldn't breathe. I grabbed onto my chest trying to relieve the pain. But nothing was working. I stumbled back with my legs hitting the chair behind me as I fell into it.

I closed my eyes and all I could see was her. Her beautiful smile, the way her hair flows in the wind on the boat. Her eyes, I can hear her laugh.

I felt like I was going to pass out, when I felt hands on my shoulder.

"JJ" I heard over and over again.

I finally opened my eyes to see John B in front of me.

"Breathe" he said, I didn't even realize that I was crying until now.

"I, I - uh can't" I managed to get out

"Shit, what does she say" John B muttered under his breath

He was thinking about all the times he watched y/n calm me down, but for that to work I needed her.

"JJ, okay. I know I'm not her but you need to breathe. For her, okay she is going to be okay. Please. I need you to breathe" John B said

My body started to calm itself and my breathing slowed.

I looked up at him from the tears in my eyes.

"Oh, oh -kay" I stuttered out. Then John B pulled me into a hug.

We both held on tight. Kie and Pope wrapped their arms around us as well.

God we needed her to be okay.

<few hours later>

"Family for Y/n Routledge" a nurse said, grabbing my attention.

We all shot up, crowding the nurse.

"Yes" I said without second thought

"She's going to be okay" I finally felt like I could breathe

"There was a lot of bleeding. But we got it under control. She is going to be on crutches for a while, but otherwise she should be fine. You can see her if you would like" She said

We all say yes and then follow her down the hall.

She opens the door. There she was, she looked so peaceful, thank god she was just sleeping.

I immediately found my way to her side and placed my hand on top of hers.

It was almost like she could since my presence, her eyes fluttered open and a small smile formed on her face when she saw me.

"Hi" her voice was hoarse, but she still sounded like herself.

"Hi baby" I choked out, tears forming in my eyes once more.

"I'm okay" I laughed at her comment, even when she is lying in a hospital bed she is still trying to make me feel better.

I leaned down and kissed the top of her head.

I just stood there and stared as she talked with her brother and the rest of our friends.

Then after a few I heard the door open. And in walked Shoupe. All our attention turned to him.

"Y/n" He said walking over near John B to talk to her "Honey, I need to know who did this"

I felt her grip on my hand tighten, I honestly hadn't even thought about who was in this situation. Suddenly my blood began to boil. Who did do this?

"Rafe" She almost whispered looking over at Shoupe.

Shoupe just nodded, almost like he already knew who did it. He turned and then walked out of the room. Our friend followed him out.

"I'm gonna kill him" I said without even thinking.

"NO" she almost yelled "JJ please, Shoupe will get him. Just please stay with me"

The fire in my bones was washed away, I just nodded at her and sat by her side.

"Okay" I whispered while sitting beside her.

I gently moved the hair from her face. Running my hand down her cheek.

"I love you" I said, trying to hold back more tears. "God I love you so much"

"I know JJ, I know" She tried to calm me down. "I love you too, so so much"

(1240 words) 

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