Voicemails: Part One

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Seven voicemails JJ left for y/n

Sunday June 20rd, 2021

"Hey baby, I just wanted to let you know that you don't need to stop by the store on the way home. I stopped and picked up everything we needed for our movie night. I got your favorite popcorn and those sour candies that you like so much. I'll be waiting here for you when you get back, love you princess"

Tuesday June 29st, 2021

"It's meeeeeeee. Hi baby, I missed you this morning. You left before I woke up, so I figured I would call and wish you a good day at work. Oh shit (laughing) baby you won't believe it John B just ate shit walking down the stairs. Ahhh hahhaha. Awe I wish you were here to see it, anyway I'll see you later hot stuff. Love you princess.

Saturday July 3rd, 2021

"Hi baby, I just wanted to let you know that I am probably going to be late tonight. Heyward asked me to help Pope with some deliveries and I figured I could cause it's so extra cash. I was thinking I could use it to get you that necklace you've been wanting. Shit I probably shouldn't have told you that and made it a surprise. Oh well. I'll see you later, love you princess.

Wednesday July 13th, 2021

"Y/n I swear to god if you don't answer the phone. You were supposed to be home hours ago, I don't even know where you are or what is going on. I need you to call me back, now.......

Baby please, I'm worried. I love you princess, please"

Friday July 16th, 2021

"Babyyyyyyyyy, why aren't you answering your phone. This party is sooooo funnnnnnn. Where are you? I thought you were coming (JJ she's literally over here - John B) Ohhhh nevermind you're with John B ahhhh. Love you princess"

Sunday July 18th, 2021

"Baby I know you are with Kie and I'm sorry about what John B did with Sarah. But we need you both. I need your help to find the gold. John B needs your help too, even if he is too blind to see it. Anyway call me back, I love you princess"

Tuesday July 20th, 2021

"Y/n baby please pick up the phone. I need to know you are not on that damn boat. Please tell me you are safe and not on the boat with John B. I can't lose you y/n I need you baby please tell me you're not on the boat. Please I love you princess" 

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