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I'll admit being stuck in the middle of a worldwide pandemic is not the most ideal situation, especially when you end up getting the said disease that is tormenting the world. However, getting to spend two uninterrupted weeks with my boyfriend.

Luckily neither of us got too sick, just the first few days. We spent most of our time sleeping or watching movies on the couch.

Once we started feeling better, we started having the time of our lives. We still have five days left in our quarantine and I plan on making the most of them.

Day One:

I decided to wake up early this morning and make myself and JJ some pancakes. He was still dead asleep when I crawled out of bed, I put in my headphones and started jamming out making pancakes.

After a few minutes I had mixed the pancakes and was getting ready to pour them in the pan when I felt a pair of arms wrap around my body.

"Hi baby" I say as JJ places small kisses on the back of my neck.

"Something smells good" He murmurs as he buries his head in my back. I finish pouring the pancakes and turn around and give JJ a quick kiss.

"I hope they taste good" I say, turning back around and flipping the pancakes.

As soon as they are done JJ walks over and grabs two plates from the cabinet and brings them over for me to put the pancakes on.

We sat and ate in pieces, and as soon as we finished JJ picked up the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen, he truly is the best.

When he finished he walked back over to the couch where I am curled up in a blanket and cuddles into my side.

"Tired?" I question, I definitely have started to feel better but JJ not so much. He just nods against my chest, well I guess I know what we are doing today.

"Movie day" I suggest, and I get another nod from JJ.

Day Two:

JJ is finally back to his normal self, therefore he is up my ass to do something that does not involve laying on the couch all day.

We decided on spending the day outside on the dock. I was tanning and JJ was fishing. Then about half way through the day JJ decided to throw me off the dock and into the slightly freezing water.

I couldn't even be mad at him though, because he was stupid enough to help me up and I pulled his ass into the water too.

We spent the rest of the day laughing.

Day Three:

"Being stuck in this house is driving me crazy" JJ huffed while coming to the kitchen while I made us some lunch. PB and J cause that's all we had left.

"I know baby, but two more days then the world better watch out cause JJ Maybank will be back on the street" I giggle

"Hey" JJ said raising a brow

"Oh you know it's true" I laugh at the look on his face, he just smiles and shrugs his shoulders.

"Yeah probably" he laughs too, grabbing the sandwich from the plate next to me.

Day Four:

I let JJ sleep in because we may have or may not have stayed up all night watching marvel movies.

I walked outside with a cup of coffee in hand and made my way over to the hammock to sit watching the sunrise. I noticed the waves out and they look pretty good. Maybe I'll see if JJ wants to go surfing.

I finished my coffee and went back inside to find JJ still dead asleep.

I took this as my opportunity to mess with him. I ran and jumped on the bed, landing my body across his.

"Well that's a good morning" JJ groans as he turns around so that he is facing me.

"Wanna go surfing?" I smile at him.

JJ rubs his eyes and a smiles back at me "Hell yeah I do"

Day Five:

"Last day til freedommmmmm" JJ yells from the front porch.

"Calm down boy" I yell at JJ from inside the house.

We were both excited because since we were "free" tomorrow we were going to meet up with the pogues and go to the waterpark on the mainland.

I walk out on the porch and wrap my arms around him, nuzzling my head into his back.

"You know I might have complained about being stuck in this house for the last two weeks, but I couldn't imagine spending it with anyone else" JJ says as he pulls me around to his side.

"Aww that's sweet" I say giggling

"It's true" He smiles

"Well I guess you aren't bad company either" I admit to him as he runs his hands up and down my back.

"Ah just not bad" he laughs at me

"I mean you're no Harry Styles but i guess you'll do " I say seriously knowing it was going to cost me

"Really" JJ smirks then before I can say anything else he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder.

Both of us giggling and laughing as he brings me into our room and flops me down on the bed.

"Still think that harry styles is better" JJ says holding me down on the bed

"Maybe you can change my mind"

JJ's lips immediately meet mine, and I melt into his touch. As soon as he pulls away I can see his signature smirk plastered on his face.

"I guess you're better" I smile, "but I could use some more persuasion"

This has been a good two weeks, too bad it's over tomorrow. 

JJ Maybank ImaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora