Hold On

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Recently I have felt like JJ has been drifting away, I don't know what is going on but he is quiet and distant. I know that it has been hard with everything that happened with the gold, but we have all been back together for weeks now.

I don't know what to do because I love him like I really love him and I don't want to lose him but everytime I ask him what's wrong he tells me he's fine.

We had plans to meet down at the beach later but he texted me to cancel saying that he had to help his dad with something.

I am laying in one of John B's hammocks waiting to see if anyone comes by so we can hang out. I hear a door just and look up to see John B and Sarah walking around the house.

"Hey y/n, what are you doing here?" John B asks as he and Sarah walk over to me.

"Yeah I thought you had plans with JJ" Sarah says

"I did, but he said he had to help his dad so I figured I wait here to see if anyone wanted to hang" I say as I can feel the sad look on my face

John B and Sarah shared a look of confusion then looked back at me.

"What is that look for?" I am now confused at what was going through their heads.

"We just saw JJ, he was down at the break, said he was going to catch some waves for a while" John B says quietly, like he didn't want to tell me the truth.

I shoot up out of the hammock, "What?" I practically yell "Okay that's it"

I started to walk toward my bike that I had rode over here, but before I got on I heard Sarah behind me.

"Y/n what are you talking about?" Sarah says

I quickly turn around to face my friends "Ever since everything happened with the gold JJ has been super distant and keeps canceling on me and I just can't shake the feeling that he wants to break up. I can't take it anymore" I start to tear up.

John B walks past Sarah and engulfs me into a hug trying to calm me down. He pulls back and puts his hands on the side of my face so that I was looking him in the eyes

"Hey listen to me, JJ loves you, like more than I have ever seen and he has been my best friend my whole life." John B looks over at Sarah then back to me and continues "Sometimes he just spaces out and retreats back into himself"

I nod knowing that he is right, but that isn't going to stop me from talking to him.

I wipe the tears from my eyes before I turn around and hop on my bike ' Thanks JB, but I still need to talk to him" He just nods and lets me go.

It takes about fifteen minutes to get to the beach, and I walk down to see JJ stuff sitting in the sand. He was sitting on his board looking out at the ocean, he looked like he was thinking.

I walk up behind him and stop a couple of feet behind, almost scared to say anything. But I get over myself and keep walking toward him. "Hey Jay," I say quietly as he raises his head to see me next to him.

I could see the guilt on his face, "Baby what are you doing here?" He asks quietly looking down at the ground like he was scared of whatever I was about to say.

"I could ask you the same thing" I say as I sit down next to him.

"I just needed to get away, I'm sorry I lied" he looks back to the ocean.

"I would say that it's fine JJ but this isn't the first time it's happened" I sigh

JJ looked back at me and saw the sadness on my face, he frowned knowing that he was the reason I was sad.

"Look I know that you are dealing with stuff and things have been very stressful lately, but I can't keep feeling like you are going to leave me or that you stopped loving me" I started to ramble, but before I could continue JJ kissed me.

I am shocked at first but then melt into the kiss like I do every single time. As we pull apart I slightly smile.

"Sorry I just needed you to stop talking and that is the only thing that works" JJ says leading me to giggle.

"Listen to me, I know that I have been off lately, but I am not going anywhere. Okay you want to know why I still drive that old pickup?" JJ questions and I nod not knowing where this was going.

"It's because before my dad went off the rails we spent most of my childhood fixing it up, it is some of my best memories. Or why I insist on listen to the same record at JB's everytime we have a party, it's because it was the record we were listening to the first time we danced" JJ had me smiling like a crazy person, as he kept going on about the things that I feel like make him who he is.

"I hold on y/n." JJ keeps his gaze on me as he grabs a hold of my hands "I hold on to the things in my life that mean something to me. I am not going to let you go and I promise I am never going to stop loving you"

By now I am smiling and lean into JJ's touch.

"Okay" I say, bringing my hands up to his hair and pulling him into a kiss.

"Just promise me that you will talk to me instead of shutting me out" I say and he nods and kisses the top of my head.

We stayed wrapped up in each other's arms on the beach for a while, we both always felt safe in each other's arms.

"I love you y/n" JJ whispers into my ear, looking out at the ocean.

"I love you Jay, more than you know" I say looking back at him.

No matter what I knew that as long as we held on to each other we would be okay. 

(1072 words)

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