"What? Dad, I'm a teenager, I don't need a babysitter!"

"Well, I can't trust that you won't do something stupid," Phil stated as he threw on his coat and left through the front door.

Wilbur sighed and walked into the living room with Dream where Tubbo, who was sleeping, and Drista, just waking up, were on the couch.

"What happened?"Drista asked as she sat up and rubbed her eyes.

"It's nothing you need to worry about, Drista. Go back to sleep, okay?" Dream said as he sat down on the couch.

"But I wanna know!" She whined.

"I don't think you can handle it."

"Says you! You locked me in a ROLLING car with a flipping spider!!" She said with frustration.

"Ugh. Fine. Tommy was taken by this 'God' guy and could be in a horrendous amount of danger, so Techno went to go look for him. Phil just left now to go after Techno."

Drista gave a puzzled look before her lit up slightly, like a dim lightbalb, with an idea.

She grabbed some paper from the pile Tommy, Tubbo, and her were using before and drew something on it with crayons.

After a few short minutes, she held it up towards Dream and Wilbur.

"Did he look like this?" She asked.

The drawing was quite similar to Tommy's from earlier.

"Yeah... how'd you know?" Wilbur asked as he looked at her suspiciously.

"Er, I've talked to him once or twice before," She said sheepishly.

"You've talked to him?! Why didn't you tell me?" Dream exclaimed.

"Because I didn't want to."

"Drista, do you know why he's after Tommy?" Wilbur asked.

"Uhh, I think he mentioned something about not losing something and something about an orphan. I dunno. I wasn't really paying attention."

"Dammit... what else do you know about him?"

"He's really dangerous and you shouldn't mess..." she yawned, "with him."

Dream and Wilbur looked to each other with the same 'oh-fuck-we're-screwed' face.

[Tommy's POV]

"Tommy!! Ha! Finally got you!!" XD said as he appeared in front of Tommy.

"AH!! WHAT THE SHIT!?" Tommy exclaimed before falling to the ground.

"Listen kid, I don't like chasing you around. And I definitely don't like-" XD stopped and looked in a certain direction to the right of Tommy.

Tommy sat there confused and scared of what was happening.

"Shit.... okay look," XD started. "She's coming and when if she asks about me, you don't tell her ANYTHING. Got it?" XD used a very threatening voice of which scared Tommy.

Tommy quickly nodded his head up and down very quickly.

"Good. And don't get too happy that I'm gone. You know I'll be back."

XD quickly dissapeared into the woods.

Tommy shakily stood up and brushed some of the dirt off his clothes.

Tommy looked around in hopes for something to tell him where to go.

Suddenly, he could hear something coming. Something, or someone.

Tommy panicked as the running foot steps came closer and closer to Tommy.

Who the fuck is this?!

Is XD scared of them?! Shit. That means they're probably scarier than him!!

Oh no...


Word Count - 888

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