Lookism | Gun Jung & Jungoo Kim X Reader

Start from the beginning

" you sure. can run" Gun said as he light up his cigar stick, blowing thick smoke to his side Goo only nodded as he eyed you from where you are " you can surely make sure faces too" he snicker as he was enjoying this so much, you only groan as you look around for more options seeing there weren't many roof to land and if you do land you might have few broken bones in the process.

Goo was about to grab you, but what surprise when is you suddenly let go of the edge. Goo panicky tried to grab you as Gun eyed with disbelief, you fell down slowly as panic looks form in the face of the two goons, not long your paragliding wings open as you flew away from them. " that woman surely don't want to get caught" you didn't even look back as you escape the place, your head thump and throb as the pain is catching up from your body.

Two days ago, he two goons found you from where you were hiding and from there on the two didn't waste any time to go after you. Lack of sleep and food made you suffer such extent and with that you landed near a forest like location. " huff, do I need to leave the country now?" you eyed the place as you took your phone checking if there is a new message from Johan.

You slowly walk back to the small town trying to hide as much as you could, fearing that you were be under surveillance you move discreetly and lowly. Finding a small convenient store you went up to get some supply, seeing a short man with glasses in the counter you smiled at him " these please" Daniel, nodded as he run those items in the counter place.

"Thank you" hearing your words, the male nodded before bowing to you, " than man is kind" you noticed that inside your bag were added items such as bands and medical supply " wahhh, really kind" you smiled before stuffing the items in the bag.

Time Skip |

You were currently walking your way back to some abandon building when you notice someone following you, being in alert you turned back to see a familiar face. " Hey there doll" hearing his voice your face changes into a frown " those two devils surely won't let me go" hearing this Olly smile hysterically as he approach your form.

Gun and Goo just sent Olly at your tail to catch you, how ridiculous those two could be, you slowly move to a fighting stance as Olly eyed you happily. " Tonight, let's kill each other" he launch an heavy attack to you pushing you down on the floor. You knew Olly, once of the four major crews head of course every meeting time you will see him with the team. You paid no attention to him every time the meeting will happen, he surely can get in your nerves all the time.

" come on now y/n I am expecting more from you" as you cough blood from the floor, running and jumping and now fighting the crazy Olly surely those two devils will want to kill you. You eyed Olly as he slowly approach your trembling form, he crouch in front of you as he grab you chin " what's with the face, you always find me distasteful when you meet me?" he said as he grab your arm pulling you from the floor, you eyed him hatefully " that's it's y/n" he snickered liking how you were eyeing him.

And with that your eyes faded into darkness, you opened your eyes as you realized you were currently in a big bed " ughh what happened" you eyed the location a fully concealed room with just one chair/table and a bed. " HEYY?? Anyone?" you shouted as you tried to stand up, you fell hard on the ground as you notice a thick shackles on your ankles.

" damn, you Goo and Gun" you shouted as the door busted open, the two males walk inside leisurely, Goo snickering happily as he saw you " ahhhhh, your awake" he said as he walk towards the bed you hurriedly move your body to the edge so he won't reach you. But failed to notice how he took hold of the shackles on your ankle he pulled you hard, as you slip under his body.

Goo took hold of your foot as you tried to kick him, pinning one of your foot on his shoulder top " wow I like this position" he groan as he tease you, Gun following behind him. He blow smoke to the room as you cough from the thick air " you guys sent Olly to catch me? Since you guys can't?" Trying to offend them.

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