Chapter 19|| Ugh boys.

Start from the beginning

After practice was over, it was two hours later, or so the huge clock on the castle said. I asked James, "Would the others all be eating lunch right now?" He nodded in reply and we walked over to the Great Hall were, sure enough, there was near enough everyone eating in the Hall, talking and joking with each other. Looking over at the Slytherin table, a couple of arguments too.

Sitting next to Lily, she asked, "How was Quidditch practice?" I opened my mouth to answer her but James cut across me and said, "It was quite fun and interesting, thank you Lils." I side eyed him and Lily glared at the boy so hard I thought it was the equivalent of stabbing him. She said coldly, "I was asking Athena, Potter, and don't call me that." 

James was going to complain but Marlene sat down at the table grinning and said, "Just shot my first pick up line, and scored because it worked like a charm." 

Sirius high fived her and asked her about it, Marlene replying, "You know Amos Diggory, from the year above us in Hufflepuff? Yeah, he just told me how he needed to buy something from Hogsmeade and I told him that next year I would take him. He called it smooth and told me that we should meet up in the library later to study and chat together." 

Remus shook his head and groaned, I turned to him and narrowed my eyes at the boy. He looked exceptionally guilty, and I had the faintest idea that he knew something that we didn't, or at least suspected something we didn't.

The rest of the table seemed to notice the boy too and Alice asked cautiously, "What is it Remus?" Remus put his head in his hands and said, in a muffled voice, "I don't want to rain on your parade Marlene, but I swear I heard him talking to a girl about going out to The Three Broomsticks next week." 

I shot my eyes to Marlene who, if she was hurt by this, didn't show it because she just smiled charmingly, and said, "He's not my type anyway."

Mary put her arm around Marlene's shoulder and bit her lip, sighing, she finally spoke up in the silence that had surrounded our area of the table, "Ugh, boys. Who needs them anyway?" I tapped my fingers on the table, finishing a bite of a sandwich and standing up saying, "Who's coming with me?" 

Upon seeing the lack of reaction, I added, grumbling, "To see Diggory." Immediately the boys and Lily stood up, as Mary and Alice were still trying to get something out of Marlene.

We were walking to Diggory, upon seeing him, Peter stopped us quickly and questioned, "Why don't we just prank him?" Sirius clapped Peter on the shoulder and smirking, telling him, "Yeah, we'll do that too but just, let's focus on talking some sense into the Hufflepuff first, okay?" 

I looked at Sirius first and smiled at his motivation to stand up for his friend, that and the rest of the people there who were glaring at the third year with an immense dislike. It made me feel some warmth inside, and I hoped that they would do the same thing for me if that ever happened.

"How is it that such a big ego can fit inside such a small head?" Lily asked, watching, revolted as he laughed with another basic girl. She was practically hanging onto his every word with anticipation, and with such a fake smile, it was impossible to see how Diggory couldn't see it.

Then, upon consideration, I realised he was too blind to see that, he was as blind as Marlene was amazing, and how he could make fake promises to her, hurt me way more than it should.

"Hey Diggory!" James shouted, scaring the blonde, and the brunette boy looked confused at James. Sirius stepped in saying, "Diggory, how come you told Marlene to meet in the library and there's a possible date next year?" he took a dramatic breath, "But, we hear from an extremely trusted source that you agreed to a date with another bitch." 

I choked on the air, my mind reeling at Sirius' words. Lily's hard glare had faltered at the swearing but she suddenly put her walls back up and stood up for her friend.

Lily said, obviously irritated, "This is why I don't trust boys easily, they always let you down." I couldn't help but agree with her, first it was a boy when I was ten, promising we'd be friends forever, before denying he knew of my existence in front of his friends from Muggle school. 

When I was eleven, I saw the Slytherin boys being horrible to Alexandra Wang,  but that was them being normal, and it was horrific. Then Diggory, I was twelve but I'd already had a slice of how crappy people - especially boys - can be. It just wasn't fair on anyone.

I left the boys and Lily to getting an explanation out of him, my mind overloading with the Quidditch practice this morning, and having an excuse to be annoyed at somebody this evening. I wish there was a way to calm me down, it was like I was overloaded with thoughts, but I was suddenly met by a presence. I said, "Why does everything have to go so fast?" 

Sirius said, "We can't slow it down, but we'll deal with it together."

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