"Should we follow her?" Sora couldn't help but frown as she stared at the spot Texas disappeared from. The old swing creaked slightly, but otherwise the house made no sound. Texas's vanishing act was as silent as the wind.

Well, until it wasn't.


A window was pushed open. She looked up in time to see Texas peering out of it, her expression worn. One of Lappland's white wolf ears twitched as her smirk faltered. "Texas."

Texas gave a small shake of her head. "He's not here."

Sora felt her heartbeat spike at the concern belying their leader's expression.


On the contrary, the inside of the Texas home seemed like that of any home she lived in as a child: ordinary. Exusiai felt far more comfortable here than she was expecting to. The walls were a soft creamy color, the suede sofa even more so as she sat down on it. There were pictures in the hallway coming in. The dust which clung to them only served to further the suspicion that Houston —Texas's grandfather and pseudo father figure— had not been here for some time.

What happened to him? Why's he missing?

Whatever was going on, the letter Texas received seemed to be connected to it. Her partner was worrying the slip of paper between her fingers. The slight tremble of them filtered out all the unseen panic the dark wolf had to be feeling under her skin. It was moments like this she wished a joke, or perhaps an apple pie, could make things better.

But neither would.

And as Texas returned to them, what felt like hours later but in reality was a few minutes, she knew with a relentless certainty that something terrible had taken place. He's not here echoed as a soundless plea. But the concerned frown was worse, the gleam of worry lingering at the forefront of her mind. Exusiai found herself gravitating towards her partner, casually slinging an arm around Texas's shoulder when it felt like she had become too stiff. The others were talking to Lappland. The white wolf was explaining the home —some old memories that Texas and herself shared— but she paid them no mind. Her focus was on getting the knots in Texas's back to loosen, fists at the dark wolf's sides still clenched like violence might be the answer here.

For whatever had happened to Houston, it just might be.


"You okay?" She whispered quietly.

Texas sighed, bicolored eyes distant. Exusiai had wordlessly trailed Texas when the dark wolf said she needed air. Lappland had given Texas a passing nod, the two sharing a silent communication of take all the time you need. It was hard to explain how she was able to decipher those dipping heads and quirking lips. The flick of a wolf ear too should not have been easy, but she knew them both now. She knew their habits. So Exusiai understood the room they arrived at had to be none other than Texas's old room. Pieces of the dark wolf from years ago remained here in the form of photos on the wall and a sword rack above the bed. And if she poked around enough, perhaps there was a knife tucked under the cushion of the window seat to find. Texas was sitting there while she remained standing, trying to ignore the chance to learn more about her friend through this room in favor of being the ever patient listener.

"No. Not really."

The admission had something inside her twisting up with a deep sort of regret. This trip was not meant to be for pleasure, however a small part of her had wanted it to be. There had been a lingering hope that their arrival here would be met with cheer instead of whispers and foreboding silence. If only life worked that way.

The Untold Story of Texas and Lappland (Arknights)Where stories live. Discover now