Chapter 10|| Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff

Start from the beginning

"Welcome everybody to the next Quidditch match Gryffindor versus Hufflepuff," it was Leon Jordan. The crowds cheered at their chosen winners and I saw Leon near the Professors being Quidditch commentator. Leon had explained how his new position was a bet between him and Frank at first, but he rather enjoyed it, and so he preferred to stay on.

Leon then said, "Blimey, I'm not supposed to be biased but Gryffindor have a strong team especially since McLaggen was hospitalised-" he was cut off and then muttered, "Sorry Professor. I meant Gudgeon, he deserved it, I mean the idiocy you must have to go near a killer tree. Sorry Professor."

I laughed to myself, Leon must be the commentator, he always has the best things to say about both teams that are playing, and he could make a boring match sound like death has glided onto the pitch himself.

I saw Madam Hooch on the ground with her Silver Arrow and when she blew the whistle, Jordan said, "They're off. Gryffindor start with the Quaffle, Johnson in possession, she's way older than me, but my oh my is she hot- what? Professor it's not objectifying it's complimenting. Sorry, okay, so, the rest of the team is as follows: Wood, Beaters Fabian, Gideon, the other two chasers McIntosh and Bell and Captain Jacques."

He stopped to hear the cheers die out and I smiled at his refreshing commentary, he then continued, "For the Hufflepuff team it's: Keeper and Captain Abbott, Beaters McMillan and Bones, Chasers Tonks, Taylor, Richardson and lastly Seeker .. what's his name? Oh yeah, Henderson. Johnson passes to McIntosh who's going for it, ooh nice move, he passes to Bell who shoots but, OH FUC-" the microphone was snatched off him. 

McGonagall spoke into the megaphone, "Abbott makes a save and Taylor has the ball." I grinned, and heard Leon Jordan cough and as he took back the megaphone he said, "Yeah, that's what I was gonna say."

The match was on for about half an hour, until the Hufflepuff Seeker Henderson caught the snitch making the match Gryffindor 250 to Hufflepuff 230. This number caused a large amount of noise from all houses, Gryffindor and Ravenclaw cheering (as they had suspiciously began supporting the Gryffindors, I suspected it was for Andrew Wood).

But to bring us back down to earth, there were Slytherin groaning and Hufflepuff complaining that we'd cheated all alongside. That wasn't all false but it also wasn't all true, Fabian did actually bat the ball at the Keeper instead of hit it at a target, claiming that there was nothing wrong with that. 

On the way back to the Gryffindor common room, I heard the boys discussing plans for their future and whether they wanted to be in the Quidditch team, Sirius and James wanted to be Chasers, Peter wanted to try and be a Seeker but was too scared by opponents, Remus would rather be a commentator. 

I heard Mary saying she'd be a Keeper, Marlene would be a beater, Lily, Alice and Aafiya were too scared to play at all. I turned to face them all and said, "I'd be a Chaser, I was monitoring their moves today and they are all so good. I liked the thing McIntosh did, like a throw off." 

James stared at me, "I never pegged you for a Quidditch player, if anything maybe a Seeker." Sirius rolled his eyes at his best friend, whom had became like a brother in such a short time, and said, "Nah, of course she's a Chaser, she's fit for one." 

I didn't actually know whether there was an innuendo in there but I let it slide. I heard Lily say something to James and Sirius but I didn't hear it clearly, it sounded like 'don't be like that' and then it was unclear and then 'you're twelve'. I didn't even question it, there was always something suspicious the two boys said.

Getting back to the common room and hearing all of the noise, yet knowing I couldn't drink anything for it being alcohol or being spiked, and not eat anything because we'd already had dinner, me and the girls all went up to the common room (giving Leon, Fabian and Gideon well done's). I can only assume that the boys stayed down and talked or ate something but there was a hopeful part of me was saying they would sensible. 

Then, I reminded myself that group had 'them two' in.

In the dormitory room, Aafiya and Alice were sat on their bed, Lily, Marlene and Mary in the bathroom. I changed into my pyjamas and slipped into bed, "How did you find the game girls?" I asked. I heard Alice laugh a little and then knew why, Aafiya gave us a detailed safety inspection and then an angry rant about personal space, and then finished with, "However, it was fine thanks for asking."

I then heard a commotion on the stairs and Marlene rushed out of the bathroom with wet hair and her pyjamas on, hurrying to see what was happening, and quickly coming back in, laughing heartily. She took a breath saying, "James and Sirius tried getting into our dorms and the stairs changed into a slide. They're sprawled over each other at the bottom and the whole of 5th year and above are laughing at them." 

I smiled genuinely, and remembered the Hogwarts a History chapter on boys and girls dormitories and trust. I just wished I could take a picture of this memory and of the two down on the floor, because Muggle things don't work in Hogwarts, they go haywire. This day, the Gryffindor versus Hufflepuff game that solidified my liking for Quidditch and the moments afterwards would always be a good memory.

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