Chapter 72: demon sex ed class.

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Yes demons have sex ed class. It is hilarious.
Dream POV.
5 years ago.

"Why the hell do we need to learn about this stuff?" Quackity looked disgusted as he asked the question from his spot beside me.
"Yeah! Why do we have to do sex ed and pregnancy and stuff? I never plan on having kids." Sapnap agreed. "I have a fucking boyfriend for fucks sake!"

"Well Mr Nap, for your information demons can get anyone pregnant. Male or Female or non-binary or whatever. Demon or human or any other animal or creature." the teacher began explaining as he stared down Sapnap. "All that is required is sex."
"So does that mean I can get a horse pregnant?" Quackity asked, and the whole class burst out laughing while the teachers eyes glowed bright red out of anger.

"Do you find learning about this stuff funny Mr Ackity?" The teacher, a man we called the Grinch after an evil story character from a human children's books, asked.
"My name is not Mr Ackity, it's Quackity." he responded, "and yes this is very funny."

The grinch was a wrath demon, and he looked about ready to murder Quackity. Surprisingly for demons murder is very legal and I am surprised that the majority of my class is still alive. Instead the teacher just sighed. "Today class, I am going to teach you about the telltale signs of any pregnant person. As long as the demons are one of the parents of course."

Why a wrath demon would teach this class was beyond me. In this unit we learned about demon health, human health (because some demons started taking humans as pets for some stupid reason), and sex ed.

Honestly who would want a pet human? They are small and useless, all you can do with them is carry them around and listen to them moan about something they hate. Anyway, carrying on...
(And yes I said moaning to set you all off in the comments -4)

A bunch of hormonal demon teens who took nothing seriously learning about this kind of stuff didn't seem like a good thing for a wrath demon.

Skeppy was sitting on the other side of me quietly taking notes. He was all over this stuff, he wanted to study humans when he was older because he found them 'interesting.' Apparently he had been offered an apprenticeship after school by a guy who has something to do with humans. However he needed to ace this class in learning about human health first, along with several others.

"Anyway, class. Does anyone think that they know any of the signs that a pregnant demon gives off?" The Grinch asked, bringing my attention back to the front of the class.
He looked around at all of the class who were watching him silently. Besides Skeppy, none of us wanted to be here. The majority of us just took health class because we had to do a certain number of subjects and there wasn't enough space in the classes we wanted.

"Nobody knows anything?" The grinch asked with a suspicious sounding tone, his eyes still glowing as he looked at us all. His eyes scanned around the room before he looked one of the students in the eyes. A greed demon called Allmoth, "take a guess Mr Moth."

He looked around awkwardly, unsure of what to say. "Don't pregnant demons change their scent slightly?" he asked, bracing himself for the Grinch to yell at him for being wrong.
"You are correct." the grinch said, a small smile on his face.

The Grinch returned to the whiteboard at the front of the class and wrote in all capital letters 'scent changed.' He turned to us to explain. "All pregnant demons, humans, etc who get impregnated by a demon have their scent changed. It smells sweeter during pregnancy and demons will not be able to attack them if they smell that scent. For any of you wondering, it smells like honey. Another thing to note is that female demons always can smell the honey scent before male demons, no matter the age."

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