Chapter 44: what I'd do to save my human (TW)

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Can I just point out that 1970 mention in the previous chapter was not intentional. I write these chapters in advance and didn't mean to make people offended.

I just found it hilarious when I checked the comments and everyone was claiming that I was evil. (Which I am but still...)
Dream POV.

Skeppy pulled the car to a stop in the near empty carpack of P.O.G labs. I practically jumped over him to get out of the car and start looking for my human. There were several cars in the parking lot, most of which were from years ago, left by fleeing scientists about 10 years ago after we began appearing in the lab and took over the world.

There was one that was more recent though, it wasn’t rusty or dirty, or covered in some plants like the other cars. This one clearly hadn’t been here for any longer than 2 or 3 days and that immediately made me suspicious. Why would someone be in an abandoned laboratory?

By now Skeppy and Fundy were both beside me. Sapnap, and Quackity had been following us in their car and had just pulled into a spot. Without even looking at anyone else I ran into the lab. Not opening the door, instead just ripping it off its hinges as I ran straight inside.

The reception area of the labs had been recently cleaned which furthered my suspicions. Still, I saw a map on the wall which showed me all of the different rooms. There were rooms for scientists and security guards who used to stay during the night, bathrooms, a staffroom, and a medbay. Each floor of the laboratory was for a different form of experiments, none of which seemed that appealing to see or be a part of. Humans were insane when it comes to experiments, demons would never do stuff like that.

I looked around until I saw the security office, taking a mental image of the directions before beginning to run down the hall, getting to the security office and kicking the wooden door down off of it’s hinges. Fundy and Skeppy ran in after me as I made my way over to the security monitors, flipping through different rooms and angles looking for any sign of my human.

They did the same and I heard some footsteps behind me as Fundy walked back out of the room. Suddenly Skeppy pointed at a screen, with one of the only people we had seen here on it. “Is that Dr Davidson?” he asked, his finger hovering over the slightly pixelated man.
I looked over before nodding, “that’s him.” But where is George…

“That is the medbay… second floor…” Skeppy stated, and I nodded. Maybe George is up there.
“Should we go look for him?” the ravenette demon beside me asked, and I gave another nod. “We may as well. George will probably be up there with him.”
The 2 of us turned around and began running out of the room, the medbay was on the second floor and we ran through to the staircase, back near the reception.

I didn’t know where Quackity or Sapnap were, I hadn’t seen them come in yet but maybe they had started checking this floor, or maybe even another floor. Maybe… hopefully… they found George… Fundy had disappeared too but I was not as worried since he just wants to be close to me…

Suddenly I heard Fundy’s voice, coming from just up the staircase and talking to someone whose voice I didn’t recognise.  “There is no point hanging around here any more, Fundy,” the strange voice growled, causing my eyes to narrow, “grab Davidson’s son, he can be a useful hostage.”
“I will…” I heard the fox reply, causing me to speed up, and Skeppy to do the same behind me.

I reached the top of the staircase and saw the fox demon running down the hallway and standing between me and Skeppy and Fundy was another, taller, demon. When Fundy heard me growl he spun back around before the tall red eyed demon with black hair responded with a sideways glance as he hissed at the fox to go.

“You have George…” I growled, “if you give him to me now I won’t kill you.” I lied, since I obviously wasn’t going to let anyone who hurt my human live. But my tone sounded normal so hopefully he wouldn’t realise it wasn’t the truth.
Still the other demon stayed in the middle of the path and shook his head, “I know that is a lie… so you’re going to have to go through me to get to him…”

Immediately I shifted into my second form, growing taller and feeling claws grow out of my hands as I barred my fangs and prepared to lunge at him. From beside me Skeppy did the same, changing into his diamond covered second form as he crouched preparing to attack low. The demon opposite us had shifted too, into a taller creature with fleshy purple skin and thin pointy teeth, as well as glowing pink eyes that lacked pupils.

He and I lunged at each other, Skeppy watched for a few moments before jumping in to help. The strange demon got to me and bit into my shoulder, sending me falling back. He pinned me down as he was about to dig his claws into my neck as I tried to push him off of me. Skeppy pounced onto the demon from behind, sending him flying into the wall and causing the tiles to fall onto the ground.

Skeppy sent me a glance and told me to go find George and Fundy. But while he was looking at me, neither of us were paying attention to the other demon. The demon lunged at me again and as I saw movement from the corner of my eye I spun around just in time for him to bring his claws slicing across my face, causing me to let out a hiss.

The demon tried again aiming for my eyes but I managed to grab onto his clawed hands and push him to the side, getting him to scratch my other cheek. I brought my legs up to my chest and managed to push him off of me as I dug the talons on my feet into his skin.

I pushed him off of me and stood up, being ready to jump back up at him again but I didn’t when Skeppy did instead, I took that as the hint to go find George and so with a thankful nod I disappeared down the hallway.

Finally I reached the double doors of the medbay and kicked them in, still in my second form and standing in front of me was Fundy, who was standing over George’s father. The doctor was bleeding out and his eyes drifted from staring up at the fox over to me. Fundy spun around to look from the man he was stabbing, towards me.

I was about to go towards him but he ran off. I considered following him but I decided against it and moved over to George’s father who was bleeding out. His eyes were wide as he watched me until I shifted back. “Where is George?” was the first thing I asked the human as I helped him sit up.

Dr Davidson immediately leaned forward without responding and began coughing up some blood, his weary eyes looking up into mine, and he tried to say something but couldn’t, instead just coughing up more blood. His head instead falling back and his chest heaving a few times before going silent. He was dead…

I let out a whine at the thought before looking up. But I couldn’t focus on him now… my human still wasn’t here. Respectfully, I laid George’s father down before standing up and looking around the room.
1321 words.

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