Chapter 2

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I woke up to my alarm and got out of my bed after stretching. I grabbed my robe and put it on. I walked out of my room and went downstairs to make coffee and breakfast. When I walked into the kitchen, I saw Rick sitting at the island.

"Morning Rick." I said, smiling at him.

"Morning." He said, smiling back before sipping some of his coffee. "I made coffee and breakfast." He said. I saw a plate with eggs, bacon and sausage gravy.

"Thank you. You didn't have to do that." I said, pouring coffee into my mug.

"It's a thank you for letting me sleep here." He said. I smiled at him before grabbing the plate and my cup and sat next to him.

"So Rick, what do you have to do tod—" I began to say, before there was a knock on the door. "Be right back." I said, standing up and walked to the front and opened it. Shane was on the other side of the door. "Hi Shane, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Lori told me that Rick didn't go home and told me he was here." Shane said.

"Yeah, I let him sleep here last night." I said, letting him inside. We walked to the kitchen and Rick saw Shane walk in.

"Hey man." Shane said.

"Hey." Rick said.

"I'm going to leave you both to talk and go get ready for work." I said, walking out of the kitchen and went upstairs to change.

This is her work outfit:

I walked downstairs after grabbing my phone and purse

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I walked downstairs after grabbing my phone and purse. I saw them still in the kitchen but Rick was in his uniform.

"Bye you two, I have to go." I said, grabbing my coat since it's a bit chilly outside.

"Okay, I'll see you later." Rick said, waving at me.

"See you Sydney." Shane said.

I walked out of the house after grabbing my keys and went to my car. I unlocked the door and got in then drove to the hospital where I worked as a surgeon.

I parked my car in my parking spot after a ten minute drive. I turned the car off and headed inside after locking the doors. I walked to my office after clocking in and unlocked the door. I went into the room and hung my coat up and grabbed my doctors coat and put it on. I put my bag under my desk out of sight and put my badge on before sitting down at my desk. I logged into the computer and saw an email. I opened it and it said that someone is coming in to have an interview and I remembered yesterday. I called someone to come in for an interview to become a nurse.

Of course, the person will have to get training if I hire them. I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." I said, loud enough for them to hear. The door opened and a woman walked inside and closed the door. "What can I do for you?" I asked, smiling.

"I'm here for an interview to be a nurse. You called me yesterday and told me to come in." She said.

"Okay. Sit right there and we'll start." I said. She sat down and I began the interview. "What's your name?" I asked.

"Samantha Williams." She said.

"Why are you applying for this job?" I asked. "I'm not trying to sound rude, I just have to ask." I added.

"I love helping people and so I can have a way to support myself without my parents help." She said.

"Have you had a job before?" I asked.

"I worked part-time at a nursing home." She told me.

"How would you rate yourself in communicating with patients and with families?" I asked.

"I do pretty well with communicating with them." She said.

The interview went on for about fifteen more minutes since I had to ask a lot of questions to see if she's qualified for the job.

"Thank you for coming in today. I'll call you to let you know if you got the job or not." I said.

"Okay thank you." She said, standing up. I stood up and shook her hand then she left.

I walked out of my office to do my rounds and check on my patients.

8 hours later

My shift finally ended. I hung my Doctor coat up then grabbed the coat I came here in. I grabbed my bag and keys since I already had my phone in my pocket. I walked out to my car and got inside. I started the engine and drove home.

After about fifteen minutes, I pulled into my driveway. I grabbed my stuff and got out of the car, locking the doors. I went to my front door and unlocked it then went inside. I hung my coat up then went upstairs to my room to get changed into more comfortable clothes.

I went downstairs and started making dinner when the door opened. I looked and saw Rick walking inside.

"Welcome back Rick." I said. "You came just in time. I just started making dinner." I said.

"Great. I'm starving." He said, walking into the kitchen and sat at the island. "How was work?" He asked.

"Like every other work day, exhausting. I had to do an interview to find another nurse since the last one quit." I said.

"Why did they quit?" He asked.

"They said that a patient was being rude to them." I said. "Patients are rude to me all the time and so are the families. There's rude people everywhere and when I hired that nurse, I told them not to take anything personal. You have to be nice to them even if they're rude to you." I said.

"That's true." He said. "How did she do at the interview?" He asked.

"I might hire her but I have to make sure she's qualified. And I have to think if she'll do a good job in the area." I said. "This is so frustrating to do but so far everything she told me and what it says on her application fits everything that's needed in the field." I said. "I told her I'll call her to tell her if she's hired but she'll have to go through training if I do hire her." I added.

After talking and eating our dinner, we went to our rooms. I plugged my phone in and laid down in bed. I turned the light off and closed my eyes, falling asleep.

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