"Shhh! Adhiraj, what are you doing? Kinjal might hear"

Aditya hit his head with a balloon.


Seeing everyone happy and enjoying somewhere Komal felt left out. She stood up and left the place without anyone noticing. The only people who noticed was her mother and Rahul. Rahul was quick enough to follow her while her mother stared at the directing Komal walked out in sadness. But then, it wasn't that Aditya didn't notice it. He did. It's just that he couldn't go to her. He worried about her as a friend.

As Rahul caught up with her, he saw her shuddering and as he placed his hand on her shoulder, Komal turned around with tears in her eyes.

"I-I th-ought that it will b-e e-asy to move o-n.... B-but it's not.

It's not.

I-I can't d-do it.


Komal broke down into tears as he held her in his arms.

Once all her tears dried and she stopped crying, wiping her cheeks with the back of her hand and stepped back as she realised in what position she was in though her gaze remained to be fixed on the floor as if feeling embarrassed.

"Komal? Look at me? You don't have to be embarrassed about anything.

You are a strong woman"

Hearing the last line he spoke, Komal looked up at him with her glassy eyes and wet eyelashes. Without realising, Rahul lifted his hands up and placed his palms on her cheeks so he could have all her attention on him.

"It's not going to be easy, but it's not even impossible right?

You think you are alone here?

But you are not.

Look across yourself.

You might just find the one who is actually meant to be yours.

You deserve better than him."

As they stared at eachother, they felt this spark which was difficult for them to understand but Komal slightly shaken by the words moved away from him and walked towards her right corridor while he walked towards his right corridor.

Both unaware that their conversation was witnessed by not only one but two people who were standing opposite to eachother at a distance just how Rahul and Komal stood. They both gazed at eachother though they saw Komal and Rahul walking away from eachother. It was like they were freezed to their spots. She felt her soul being pulled towards his but she didn't make a move.


Naina suddenly felt her shoulder shaking and heard her mother-in-law's voice calling her name.

"What happened? Where are you lost?"

As Naina, Aditya's trance broke too and he walked up to them and took their bags and led them inside.

All the while, Naina just thought about what she had been thinking while she was at the hospital for check up. Even before the tear slipped down her eyes, she wiped out of quickly and walked beside Archana to only find the entire hall decorated.

Naina's gaze wandered across the hall and as she everything, she remembered that how once she had mentioned to her husband, Aditya about her wish of getting proposed but even then there were so many specifications she mentioned. It wasn't everything like but somewhat similar to that but there were her favourite chocolates and cake!

'What is he going to do?'

Naina questioned in her head, nervously avoiding his gaze as he went and stood in front of her but with lot of distance between them.

Broken Pieces - Finding Way To Eachother's Hearts Where stories live. Discover now