Chapter 3: waking up

Start from the beginning

"So I'm guessing I'm a servant then." I said in a hushed tone to myself.

"No." Skeppy replied in a firm but reassuring tone. I forgot that demons had super hearing. My green eyes widened as I looked back over to him and he continued but in a softer voice. "No. I don't think humans should be used as servants, not many people that I know do. I can promise you that I won't use you as a servant."

So I'm a pet then...

I thought back to all the pets I had as a child, before the demons came, as I tried to figure out what that would mean to be a pet. Only one came to mind, a little white dog we called Rat. I remembered taking her for walks downtown with my family, and teaching her to do tricks like rolling over on command. Neither of these, or any of the other ideas that came to mind, seemed appealing for a life, but better than being a servant I guess.

"What do I do as a pet?" I couldn't help but ask.

Skeppy shrugged. "It's not that complicated I guess. Demon's just often use humans for company," he explained. Well I guess that's not too bad.

"Where are Karl and George?" I asked worriedly, my mind finally deciding to focus on the pair of them, "are they alright?"

"Yes, they are both fine. They are both with some of my friends, nothing bad will happen to them, okay?"

I gave a shaky nod and let out a sigh of relief. My friends are fine.

Karl POV.

A pair of voices roused me from my sleep. My first thought was that it may be Darryl and George, arguing as usual but their voices were off. Plus, I was warm when I woke up, and comfortable, which is strange seeing as it's the beginning of Winter and I live in the cave. I tried to ignore it and go back to sleep, after all this was one of the best sleeps I've had in years but I couldn't help but listen to the two voices.

"So can you tell me again, why did you get a human?" The first voice asked.

"Because Quackity, you are always working at Las Nevadas and I feel lonely, I got him so I can have some company when you aren't here," the other replied.

"And you're telling me that just got him last night? Did Skeppy help you catch him, Sapnap? What is his name?"

"I don't know, he hasn't woken up yet. But we caught him and 2 others. Dream has one and so does Skeppy." The second answered.

That's when it clicked for me. The weird names, the fact he was talking about catching humans, and the fact that my two friends were missing made me realise. These 2 people were both demons.

Immediately I started shaking slightly, even though I knew they'd probably notice I didn't care, I was just worried for myself and my friends. Why did they take me? What do they want from me?

"Shit," one of them, the second one mumbled, probably noticing my shaking from where he stood.

I heard a pair of footsteps approaching, followed by another one. They were standing right over me now.

"What's wrong Sapnap?" The other asked.

"He's woken up, dumbass, and clearly scared shitless."

Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder, causing me to shake more. "Hey. It's alright. Calm down." The second one spoke softly to me, but it didn't help.

In an instant I turned around and elbowed him in the stomach before shuffling back to the edge of the bed and diving off it.

One of the pair, the one that I didn't elbow, was laughing, and the winded one growled at him. "Shut up Quackity, it isn't funny."

"I disagree," the first giggled, "it's really funny. Plus why didn't you expect him to do that? I mean we are both demons and he's a human. Who knows what he's been told about us?"

"I guess you're right," the first one sighed quietly, finally seeming to have recomposed himself.

By now I had hidden myself under the bed, I laid on my stomach and could see the pairs feet on from where I sat. One of the pair was wearing some neat clothes, leather shoes and dress pants, the other was wearing jeans and sneakers. However, as far as I could tell, the one dressed more formally was the shortest.

Suddenly they both knelt down and peered under the bed at me. Sure enough, the one which was wearing formal clothes was shorter and had dark brown eyes which glowed softly from under his nearly black hair. He also had a faint scar over one eye and couldn't help but wonder what had caused it.

The other one had black hair and tied it back with a white bandanna, his eyes glowed a fiery orange as they both watched me for a moment.

The shorter of the 2 spoke first, "are you going to come out of there anytime soon?" he asked, and I shook my head. "Worth a try," he muttered afterwards.

"Look, please come out. We promise to whatever god from whatever religion you're from that we won't hurt you." The ravenette with the orange eyes said.

I shook my head quickly, I was atheist and even if I wasn't I still wouldn't trust the pair of demons. "You honestly thought that would work?" The shorter of the pair asked the other.

He just shrugged and turned his attention to a phone when it vibrated from his pocket.

Sapnap POV.

I watched as the human under the bed quivered as he watched us, he readied himself to shuffle backwards at any sign of movement we made. "Look, please come out. We promise to whatever god from whatever religion you're from that we won't hurt you." I promised him, although I knew all religions were a lie I thought it might comfort him.

The boy just shook his head and tried to move back some more. "You honestly thought that would work?" Quackity asked, and I just shrugged in response.

After a moment of silence my phone vibrated from my pocket and I pulled it out, reading the text that had been sent on the groupchat.

Dream: have any of you 3 made progress with the humans?




Dream: same.

Skeppy: I mdae some pogress.

My hmuans nmae is Darryl.

He siad his freinds are called Karl nd George.

Ur welcome 😜

Dream: thx I'll see which one works.

Maybe we should let them hang out.

Dream: ?

If they know the others r ok they might trust us more, knowing we haven't done anything to them.

Skeppy: god wehn did u gte so smart?

Dream: might work...

Skeppy: how abt tihs aftrnoon?

Dream: sure


When I read that I put my phone in my pocket and turned to the human who still hadn't moved. "Want to see your friends this afternoon?" I asked him.

His expression changed the minute I mentioned his friends. "Really?"

"Yeah... if you come out from under there... please..."

Both Quackity and I moved back so he had more room and after a moment he climbed out from under the bed and stood up, trying to keep as much distance between us as possible.
2669 words.


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