Chapter 52

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"Bella, how many times do I have to call you-" I heard Ashton grumble before he stepped into my room, well at least it sounded like he stepped into my room. With my face buried into a pillow, I wouldn't know what he was doing.

"Up," He demanded, ripping the covers off me and leaving my bare arms and legs cold.

"I swear to God, Bella. Get up right now or-"

I groaned, rolling over, my messy hair sprawled out around the pillow. I gave Ashton an innocent, yet sleepy, smile. "Or what?"

"Don't test me Bella. Up, now."

I groaned while pushing myself up and rubbing my tired eyes. I hopped off my bed, my feet slapping the cold ground. Ashton quickly made my bed behind me before walking over to the door.

He turned to face me, "Fifteen minutes."

I rolled my eyes, slowly walking over to my closet and quickly pulling out an outfit. I walked into the bathroom, freshening up and slipping into my clothes.

Why couldn't I stay in pajamas?

Yeah, sure, a tutor was coming and all...but I'm staying in the house.

I rolled my eyes, once again, before exiting the bathroom and waltzing downstairs.

"I said fifteen minutes, Bella, it's been twenty five." Ashton scowled, handing me a bowl of cereal.

I mimicked him under my breath, taking my cereal into the living room and plopping down. I put on Fashion Police and played on my phone.

"Kitchen and give me your phone." Ashton walked in, clicking off the TV and reaching out for my phone.

"What? No!"

"Bella..."Ashton warned.

"Okay, so you make the lads leave...make me get dressed way too early, shut off the TV, take away my phone...what the actual fuck, Ashton?" I pushed my way into the kitchen, slamming my partially full bowl of cereal into the sink.

"Don't swear at me," He warned, his arms crossed over his chest. I mimicked his position, hip popped out and all.

"I'm going to the mall," I smirked, walking over to the back door.

I opened the door, glad that I put my shoes on, and stepped outside.

"Bella Irwin, don't you dare leave this property or I swear-" I slowly closed the door, slowly walking around the side of the house, then I ran so Ashton wouldn't catch up to me.

I made halfway down the driveway before Ashton grabbed my arm.

"Bella, what are you doing?" He yelled, his grip growing tighter on my arm. "Get back in the house."

He began walking, dragging me on the side of him.

"Stop acting up. This is the second time this week that you've tried to pull this bull, no phone for a week." My eyes widened, "No phone. No laptop. No-No TV. And definitely no dance, told you not to test me, but you don't listen."

I stumbled into the house as Ashton let go of me.

"You're such a dick, Ashton. God," I groaned, storming up the stairs.

I ran into my room, slamming the door.

"Bring me down your things."

"Come fucking get them!" I yelled back, tossing myself down on my bed.

I heard the storming up the stairs before my bedroom door opened. There was a bit of slamming noises.

"Leave this door open and you better be ready when the tutor comes," He deadpanned before leaving the room.


"She's horrible," I complained, my head buried into Luke's chest.

"Bella, upstairs, welcome to the world of rules." A familiar voice swooshed through my ears.

I lifted my head off of Luke's, locking with the hazel ones only feet away. "I'm staying here."

"I swear to-"

"Stop!" I hopped off Luke, "Stop! Stop! Stop! I'm going, you don't need to swear to any more fucking Gods for the day, I'm going."

"Maybe I wouldn't have to if you took the fucking stick out of your ass. Stop being a prick, Bella!" He shot back as I stormed passed him.

Calum, who was in his door way with Michael a few feet behind him, had wide eyes as he watched on.

"Oh, now I'm being a pick," I Laughed, "You're the one that adopted me. I didn't ask you too."

I turned around only to see Ashton had stopped dead in his tracks, a look of pain washed over his face before anger replaced it.

"I know, I've told you before that it was a mistake."

"Woah, Ash. You need to go calm down. Bella, just go to your room, he didn't mean it." Calum and Michael jumped in, Luke quickly running out of his room.

"N-no," Ashton fought in Michael's grip, "She wants to act like this. Then I mean it."

I ignored the stinging tears threatening to fall from my eyes, "Okay then," I muttered, "Then don't worry about my attitude anymore, I'm leaving."

I picked up my shoes, which Id been yelled at for leaving in the hallway earlier today, and slipped into them before walking down the steps.

"Wait, no babe." Luke grabbed my arm at the end of the stairs, spinning me around.

"Bye," I mumbled, shaking him off my arm before walking outside and slamming the door behind me.

Ew, this was so sucky!

Sorry guys, I just really wanted to update..

More drama....zayummmm


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