Chapter 46

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3rd Person

"C'mon Bella, its your birthday. We have to do something fun!" Ashton complained, standing behind Bella who laid on the game room couch facing the cushiony part instead of him. "The big 16."

Bella barely blinked well staring at the old leathery couch.

"Bella, stop being mad at me." Ashton complained, finally rolling Bella over.

"M not mad anymore, Ashton, I just don't want to talk." She mumbled.

Ashton sighed, "Well will you at least let me take you out for your birthday? You haven't left the house in three days."

"You haven't left me alone in three days," Bella mimicked. Ashton sighed, lifting Bella's legs to sit down before placing them on his lap.

"I know it doesn't make it any better, but you do realized Luke was drugged that night, right?"

"No, no. Please do not talk about satan in my presence." Bella sat up, shaking her head, "And I have plan to leave the house today so you should be a nice lad and go grab some clothes for meh!"

Ashton rolled his eyes, "Where are you going?"

"Victoria's dance school," Bella grinned, "I signed up for classes; don't you remember giving me permission?"

He nodded and lifted himself off the couch with a sigh before asking Bella what she needed from her room since the girl refused to go in there. Once he had her clothes he called her upstairs and she reluctantly entered the main part of the house.

"Well isn't it lovely to see your face," Calum cooed, walking by Bella as she headed into the downstairs bathroom.

"Go away," She grumbled, stepping into the bathroom and slamming the door. She changed into the yoga pants and a Victoria's Secret sweatshirt before leaving the bathroom.

Paying attention to her phone, instead of surroundings, Bella walked into the living room plopping down on the couch. When she finally looked to the side of her, dull blue eyes pierced into her eyes.

She was quick to look away, to much pain being caused by simply looking in the eyes of the boy who she'd broken up with just three days earlier.

Bella sighed in relief when the door bell rang, she hurried over to it, opening it up.

"Hey Bells!" Victoria cheered. Bella grinned widely, happy to finally see her friend after locking herself in the house for over 48 hours.

"Hi Vicky, I'm so excited." She cheered before quickly turning around and yelling, "Bye Ashton!"

Her eyes disobediently fell on Luke for a quick second before she stumbled out of the house and off to her first dance class!


"Here, use these." Victoria handed over an extra pair of jazz shoes she had to Bella. Bella smiled, slipping the shoes onto her feet.

Vicky lead her into the dance room where she was introduced to the teacher and four other girls who were also in the class.

One girl, Emma, was very happy to see Bella; she was a fan of 5SOS.

"What's it like living with them?" Emma asked, a rich American accent which Bella was quite fond of since she didn't regularly hear them.

Victoria, Emma, and Bella sat in a circle stretching. Truthfully, that was really not a topic she felt like talking about at the moment, but didn't feel like telling Emma.

"It's pretty cool, not all that people make it out to be though." Bella responded truthfully.

Emma nodded and Bella was pretty sure she took the hint that She didn't want to talk about it and changed the subject.

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