Dick, Jason, and Tim eventually made their way outside together, Dick looking somewhat reminiscent of an eskimo.

On their way out the door they happened to run into Damian who had just finished his morning stretches and was heading inside.

"Hey Dames, wanna join us?" Jason asked. "We're gonna show Dickie what snow is."

Damian glanced inside for a moment before looking at his brothers' faces. "I suppose," he finally said.

The four boys walked out onto the spacious back lawn.

Dick stopped and turned his face skyward, watching the hundreds of white snowflakes drift down. He could feel their soft touch as they landed on his skin, melting almost instantly to small droplets.

"It's beautiful isn't it," Tim said.

"Ya," Dick breathed. He stared upward in awe for a few more moments before he bent down and pressed his hand into the soft snow on the ground.

Dick yelped when he felt the burning cold, and he immediately rushed to Jason's side. "It bit me! The snow bit me!" He said with tears in his eyes.

Jason gently grabbed Dick's hand and held it for a moment to help warm it before taking off his gloves and slipping them onto Dick's hands. "These should keep your hands warm," he said. "Go ahead... try touching the snow again.

Dick looked at Jason uncertainly before squatting and touching a fingertip to the snow. A smile widened on his face when he didn't feel the overwhelming cold again, and he dug his hand into the snow and picked up a handful. He let out a childish giggle and stood, showing the snow to Jason.

Jason smiled warmly back at his brother, happy to see him enjoying something so much. "Here," he said, helping Dick to roll the ball through the snow to make it bigger.

Soon the two had the base for a small snowman.

"We found these," Tim said, handing over a few small pebbles and the two sticks for arms.

"Done," Jason said once all the snowman's details were in place. "It's called a snowman," he informed Dick.

"Snowman..." Dick said, smiling at the small snow creature he and Jason had just made. "Can we make another one?" He asked, turning to look up at Jason.

"Uh... how about you make one on your own now. You remember the steps right?" Jason asked.

Dick nodded, immediately working on making another snowman.

"Hey Dickie," Jason whispered after about a solid 5 minutes listening to Tim and Damian bicker. "Watch this."

Dick watched as Jason gathered a handful of snow and packed it into a rough sphere.

Jason eyed his two younger brothers for a moment before tossing the snowball at Tim.

The snow exploded on Tim's shoulder, spraying snow onto his face and hair.

"That's called a snowball," Jason whispered quickly to Dick.

"Jason!" Tim yelled, turning and launching a snowball at his older brother.

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