A tale of knights and dragons

Start from the beginning

"Now that that's settled," Leslie said. "Grayson, why don't you give Jason here a tour of the town."

"Sure," Dick said, grabbing Jason's hand and helping him stand before leading him to the door.

Jason's gaze flicked between Leslie and Dick, watching the silent exchange that seemed to be going on between the two. He didn't fail to notice the look that Leslie sent Dick's way, or the light blush that spread over the man's cheeks.

Dick cleared his throat and began showing Jason around.

Jason and Dick sat on a rock overlooking the village.

"So," Jason started. "You didn't show me your house."

"Oh... well I live a lot farther up the mountain..." Dick said, shifting uncomfortably.

The two sat in silence for a moment.

"So what're you going to do now that you know the truth about the dragon?" Dick asked.

Jason sighed. "I don't know... my father... the king... expects me to slay the dragon then come home to be married off," he said bitterly.

"Oh... a-and you don't want this?" Dick asked.

"I... I don't really want to talk about it... you wouldn't understand," Jason muttered.

"Oh ya? Try me," Dick said, grabbing Jason's hand and squeezing it.

Jason looked briefly at Dick's face, noting how sincere he looked, like all he wanted to do was understand what Jason was going to tell him.

"Come on. I promise, no judgement," Dick said.

"Fine," Jason huffed, dropping his gaze back to his lap. "I don't like women ok... I like men."

Dick was silent for a moment and Jason wondered if he'd just ruined the relationship he'd been building with the handsome stranger.

Jason felt a gentle finger under his chin, tilting his head upwards. He bit his lip nervously, not wanting to look Dick in the eye... afraid that he'd see the judgment and disgust he'd experienced before.

A gasp left Jason's mouth when he felt soft lips press against his own slightly chapped ones.

"I'm glad I'm not the only one," Dick said when he pulled back from their kiss.

Jason looked up into Dick's enchanting eyes, and he couldn't help but kiss him again.

Jason stared out the window of Leslie's cottage. It was the middle of the night, but he couldn't sleep. He was still thinking of the man he knew only as Grayson.

A black shape streaking across the edge of Jason's vision caught his attention. He peered through the darkness, trying to get a better view of whatever the streak had been.

A burst of flame illuminated a lithe black dragon with two furry white sheep clutched in its front claws.

Jason's mouth dropped open as he watched the dragon set the two sheep gently in a neighboring pasture before launching itself back into the air. "Wow," he breathed.

Dick came to see Jason again the next day, this time coming to the cottage with a pack full of fire wood for Leslie.

"Where're we going today?" Jason asked.

"Well you said you wanted to see my house yesterday, and after a bit of tidying I've decided to show you," Dick said, leading Jason up the trail to his house.

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