Walking Down The Memory Lane

Start from the beginning

I smiled at the memory of the mere moment we shared.

Namjoon : " You guys fit into each other so well Hyung, she is very lively and fun loving, ready to take risks but you are very conserved, you won't let in anything easily or won't let anyone know anything about your feelings easy but you guys molded well. You are like the opposite bars of a magnet. If she's like a north pole then you are a south pole, Totally different personality but maybe that's what they mean when the say opposites attract. "

My smile changed into a grin, he couldn't be more right. Jihyo was carefree but also a scary cat, she was fun loving but also very mature, cute but also fierce. Childish but also considerate, kind but savage, she would wear her gummy smile all day all night long yet won't get tired. She is just sooo kind, cheerful and would easily befriend anyone. She was also savage and a badass if anyone ever tried to hurt the ones she cherished. She was like everything mixed in the right ratio in one.

Whereas me on the other side was emotionless, straight forward, savage and genius. I don't give a damn about what others say cause I know its just their insecurities or jealousy but she wasn't even 1% like me she would get a lot hurt if anyone would say anything against her but she was also strong, she would endure it and let it go. She was a forgiving angel but if anything was going overhead then she would blaze out like me

Jihyo... my Jihyo *sigh* I miss you a lot but I am not allowed to.

Namjoon : " Can I ask one thing Yoongi Hyung? what made you guys change? "

I stopped from my thoughts and focused on him.

He was being serious.

What made us change?

Yoongi : *sigh* " You know what changed Joon.... I started to like her more, fell for her more deeper but- but she didn't. She didn't like me Joon... at least not in the way I did "

I muttered but was loud enough for him to hear. My head was hung low as I said those words, my eyes clouded with some emotion... pain maybe cause I didn't like saying it out and stabbing my heart again.

Namjoon : " Yeah you are right Hyung, she didn't like you.... "

He said and I turned my head towards him swiftly in complete shock.

What the heck man? I know that so stop repeating it and rubbing salt on my wounds.

Namjoon : ".... she doesn't like you Hyung. She loves you "

He said laying a special emphasis on the L word which I am starting to hate now.

I scoffed,

Way to go Rap monster you finally lost your mind. Just a few minute ago I told him that she doesn't likes me but here he is saying she lo- Ugh!! stop it! I don't want to get my hopes high and again get hurt.

Suga : " Go take your makes-your-mind-free-from-going-crazy pills and sleep Joon. Just go rest for a while "

I said to which he looked offended then he sighed and said in a calm voice

Namjoon : " Hyung I am serious. "

Yoongi : " No Joon, you are being delusional. She doesn't likes me "

Namjoon : " Did she say that? "

Yoongi : " No but isn't it obvious "

Namjoon : " No Hyung it isn't obvious, have you looked at Jihyo? she looks so sad and lost after you fought with her. "

Yoongi : " Well that doesn't mean she likes me, we used to be close, I was like a good friend to her so maybe she got upset at the words I said "

I tried to reason. I regret saying those venomous words to her that day, I feel so sorry.

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