Fog Shrouded Woods

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"Not quite." And with the progress we're making it'll likely take us another day. She did not bother with the second part. Her friends were trying their best, the conditions were hardly optimal, and it was not like she had not figured all this out before they set foot in here. Still, the quickest way is through.

An arm slung around her shoulder. "But there is a creek up ahead." Lappland shared happily.

"Oh, that's—"

"Hey guys! You won't believe what I found!" Croissant shouted from up ahead. The trees rustled with the wind, a bird cawing off in the distance. The natural noises were comforting internally. They slipped into her ears and settled the part of her long secluded from all the uproar of the city she called home.

"Guess we should follow her." Sora murmured.

"Sounds about right." Texas agreed.

The three of them headed onwards to the the source of the voice, the large bushes surrounding them giving way to an open clearing. It was there the creek sprawled out like a gift. Rushing water covered the pebbly ground. A few fish swam in the shallow depths, present yet out of reach to the clumsy hands of a newcomer from the city like Bison, who grabs a fish only to watch it slip free. Exusiai is with Croissant, the two of them filling up canteens with the clean water.

"The waters great!" Exusiai affirmed as they approached.

"Can I?" Lappland whispered.

Texas sighed, knowing what Lappland was asking. "Sure. But don't get too wet. You'll be cold later." She warned gently, figuring Lappland would likely not listen to her.

And the white wolf did not.

Bag and swords left discarded at Texas's feet, Lappland sprinted to the water like it was an old friend she had not seen in ages. She lunged right at Bison with a mischievous gleam. A battle cry left her lips as she took aim for his midsection.


"Agh blehfhrooej—" Bison went under as water sprayed up, Lappland taking him down with her surprise attack.

Croissant charged in after them, not about to let Lappland and her boyfriend have all the fun. "I'm gonna get you both!"

Texas stood in front of the rippling water at Exusiai's side. Sora hovered right behind, her microphone carefully tucked deep in her pockets. The electronic device would hardly fare well with water, nor would the cords packed in the backpack she wore.

"Should we join them?" Exusiai asked.

"I'd advise against that. You'll just be cold later." Texas warned.

And her partner accepted that.

"Okay, but we'll have to come back with swim suits and play next time we're here." Exusiai murmured.

"For sure!" Sora agreed with a warm smile.

Texas said nothing. It was weird enough to have Penguin Logistics here, in these woods. Hearing them wanting to be here, wanting to return here was just so strange. They were inching ever so closely to home. The place where she had grown up with Lappland. It made her think of how much stranger she would feel when all her friends were there with her. All the things to come made it hard to think. The dangers lurking beyond the horizon had her nerves rising precariously in her heart, just waiting to tip over. Texas grit her teeth, trying to forget the worry, the despair from all those years ago which made her leave.

I'm finally going back.


"I know why I didn't want to go through the woods, but what about you?" Suffering asked Mostima. The two of them had stopped at an old wooden bridge. The planks hardly seemed stable, but with the chasm being so steep and wide it was a poor choice to try another method across. Said aforementioned bluenette was testing the wood with her boots toeing the warped panels.

"Well, I agree with what you said." She responded, pressing more weight down on the wood. When there was only a little groan something in her felt relief. This had to work. If they traveled too far off there was no telling the state they would find the others in. "But I have another reason, yes."

"And what is it?" Suffering asked.

Mostima lifted her foot off the plank, satisfied the bridge across was capable of holding them. The drop below seemed to have no bottom, the crater likely caused from a Catastrophe long since passed. Red clay clung to the gaping ridges. Dust blew with the wind as dirt was whisked off the ground.

"Siracusans. The wolves that attacked us are Siracusans."

"Yes. Sicilians to be exact. What does that have to do with anything?"

"To my understanding, the Siracusans are in a temperamental peace with the Texas pack. And if that is the case, why would any of them be trying to usurp that? Why cause a fight? They had a gruesome history before the Texas pack settled. Provoking the future alpha would be a poor choice."

"I see, so you don't think they're aware."

"I'm sure the leader of the Siracusans knows something is up, even if she doesn't know what the rogues are up to. She may have a clue about whose behind all of this." Mostima explained. "If we can get that, then maybe—"

Maybe she'll accept my apology, or at least let me explain.

A hand landed on her shoulder, squeezing firmly. It was what little comfort she knew Suffering was capable of giving. Mostima leaned back into it, accepting the digging fingers into her shoulder. "Don't worry about her. Business must come first. If she doesn't want to listen to you now then it just means she's not ready yet."

She sighed. Despite the harshness of her tone, Suffering was making sense.

"I know."

"Good. And I agree this is a smart move. So let's go."

Together, the pair crossed the rickety bridge with their bikes in tow.


A/N: This took longer than expected, but here it is! We will be getting into some plot heavy chapters soon with the return so stay tuned. Don't forget to vote and comment! Also, I've mentioned this on my page but I might be updating some for Arknights One Shots again. Let me know if you'd want to see more (it's either that or an Arknights High School book).

The Untold Story of Texas and Lappland (Arknights)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora