Days of Remembrance 7

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She really wanted to.

Lappland's tail thumped, barely hiding her upset. "He was all over you. What was I supposed to do?" She thought of Hawke and Eagle, the impromptu explanation of why Texas was really meant to socialize at the party. It made her sick, so very sick to think about.

Texas sighed. "I just said what you were supposed to do: grab my attention and take me aside. There was no need to break societal convention just because you were jealous."

A growl escaped her as she snorted. "Fuck societal convention." Her tail lashed yet again, like an angry cobra swatting at its foolish prey who dared to challenge it. How satisfying the kill would be as blood seeped into the ground and the wild in her howled with delight.

"Lappland! What's going on with you? You don't usually get so angry so quickly." Texas paused, her gaze slowly traveling over the rest of Lappland. Another checkup took place, a scanning of injuries while she pondered something niggling at the back of her mind.

"I-I don't know . . ."

Why am I being so violent lately . . .

The observant wolf that she was, Lappland had begun to pick up on something being not quite right about her. Perhaps it was all the patrols lately? Maybe taking care of Aura during the day had tired her out? Her and Texas were somewhat parents/role models to the young girl. But that was another challenge she could hardly think of as her head pulsed with a low pain. This night had been such a mess.

It reminded her of all the chaos of Siracusa, the night they went there, the night she returned.

So many years since her parents had been murdered.

Going back should have made her feel something, but the emptiness pervaded still. An emptiness accompanied by an anxious energy. She went to the city almost as though she was expecting ghosts. But why? It's not like I ever really lived there. The woods had been her home. And now Columbia had taken its place alongside Texas. Gran and Houston were as good as surrogate parents to both of them, helping fill a gap she knew was there with all the loss.

Her leg itched, Lappland scratched it without a second thought.

Texas stared at the movement. "I'm worried about you," she said after a moment releasing her injured wrist finally. Lappland flexed the injured appendage gingerly, glad to find its physical bending to still work optimally. Perfect for hitting and punching and using a sword. Those were all the things necessary to her, though Texas opened her up to so many other enjoyable activities.

"Well don't be. I just got carried away tonight." She reassured.

Texas hardly looked convinced, but dropped the matter without a second longer to deliberate. They were good at reading one another like that; sensing what the other needed was basically second nature at this point.

"So, I guess I'll have to go back tomorrow night to offer my condolences." Texas bit her lip, guilt seeming to drag at her.

"You seriously have to go back for the second night? I thought you only had to go to the first event?" The two night proceedings only required one attendance from Texas . . . or so she thought.

"Well that was the case. Keyword being was."

A pointed glance was sent her way, making Lappland duck down. So that was why.

The Untold Story of Texas and Lappland (Arknights)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum