Battle of the gods part 3: Epilogue

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Yellow cracks appeared on Vader's helmet, as it still rested on Salem. Who was lying on the ground, her eye motionless. Until the pupils shrunk, and the helmet exploded.

Salem: That... was unpleasant.

Salem's entire head was still reforming, Vader grimaced as her mouth was the first thing to come back. He stood with his lightsaber activated, one eye yellow, and one eye blue.

Salem: I gave you a chance to join me... yet you turned it down... why?

Vader changed to an Ataru stance, holding his lightsaber before responding.

Vader: I once was an underling of a powerful person, I hated every minute of it. You remind me of him.

Vader exploded into a swing, Salem moving her spine to dodge. Caught his wrist, and sent a magic blast to his chest, throwing him back.

Panting slightly, Vader moved to the side. Dodging Salem's attack, he extended a hand, rocks flying forward.

But Salem countered this attack, releasing a wave of energy, similar to Vader's, to counter the flying stones. Vader was able to summon a barrier to save himself from the attack.

Flames flew forward, Vader having to dodge since he didn't have his helmet anymore. Redirecting the flames with the force, they burned Salem. Regenerating while attacking, she summoned a red glyph behind him.

A Grimm claw extruded and wrapped around his neck, Vader retaliating by grabbing Salem in the force. Instead of the throat, he began squeezing the heart.

The pain was immeasurable, Salem began tightening her grip. While Vader doing the same, Salem screaming out of pain, having to release Vader.

Vader continued tho squeeze, making her clutch her chest out of pain. She began screaming, until her heart exploded. She fell over momentarily, until her heart regenerated.

Salem: You... you actually hurt me.

Vader was silent, just choosing to stand in a defensive position. Breathing heavily, as Salem stood back up.

The two sprinted at each other, Vader unleashing a blast of force lightning. Salem knew that attack though, and promptly made mirror spell. Reflecting the lightning attack back at Vader.

It struck his mechanical wrist making it short circuit, dropping his lightsaber in the process.

Salem smirked, and flew forward confidently. But stopped when a blaster bolt fired through her head. Vader stood there, Atlesian gun in hand, its barrel smoking slightly.

Vader: So uncivilized.

Vader dropped the blaster, as Salem regretted yet again. Still as angry as before. Rushing Vader again, she suddenly stopped, stumbling slightly.

A yellow field seemed to disintegrate around her, making her fall to her knees in disbelief.

Salem: He did it... their dead.

Vader would have to learn who she meant, but Salem was open for attack. And Vader wouldn't waste that opportunity.

Summoning his lightsaber, Vader activated it and held it to Salem's neck. He watched as a tear fell from Salem's eye. Vader originally thought they were tears of sorrow, but in fact they were tears of joy.

She could finally die.

Salem: Please...

Vader raised an eyebrow, did she have a final request?

Salem: ...Kill me.

Vader: I will.

Vader swung the lightsaber back, and forward. The blade collided with her neck, separating the head from body with relative ease.

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