The message

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Din flew in the bullhead. Vader was right, it was surprisingly similar to a starship. Not trusting the autopilot feature, Din resorted to flying it manually.

A few hours passed as Din flew, then bullhead got a notification. Whoever was last piloting it was interested in something called the Vytal Festival.

As Din pressed the button, a live feed was shown of a blonde hair girl fighting a silver-haired boy. Din hesitantly put the bullhead in autopilot mode and focused his attention on the fight. The silver-haired boy fought by kicking, and firing slugs Din now knew were called bullets out of his feet.

While the blonde fought with a type of gauntlet that also fired bullets, Din watched as the two were evenly matched, but the blonde eventually overpowered the boy. The girl elbowed the boy in the chest sending him to the barrier.

The boy hopped up angrily as if he was upset at almost losing. As Din watched the boy began a rapid succession of kicks, sending the blonde into the defensive. She blocked each of the attacks before being hit by a side kick sending her skidding back, then fired an explosive round the girl barely dodging it.

The girl then clashed her fists in anger, her hair standing up as if it was on fire. The boy tried to attack but the girl was too fast, she dodged all of the attacks before landing an explosive punch on the boy's chest sending him flying back.

The crowd cheered as the announcers said that the winner's name. Yang Xiao Long, then Din watched in interest as the girl walked over to the fallen boy and broke his leg. The feed was cut to Din's annoyance, the fight was just getting good.

Din took over from the autopilot, the bullhead system saying that he would arrive within the hour.

Once Din got closer to Beacon, he realized it would be harder than he anticipated, surrounding the school was several large warships, he had seen bigger but it would be a problem getting past them.

Din saw a flashing light, he assumed that one of the warships was radioing him.

Voice: Unmarked bullhead.

Din didn't reply, trying to think about what to say as he continued flying.

Voice: Unmarked bullhead, please respond or we will have to open fire.

Din: This is the Unmarked bullhead, I have an urgent message for Headmaster Ozpin. Please let me through.

Din finished speaking, he knew it was a long shot that they would believe him, but it was worth a shot.

Voice: Tell me the message and I'll pass it through.

Din: I cannot do that.

Voice: Very well then.

The communications were cut. Din observed the canons were powering on, he waited a second before diving, dodging the barrage of fire aimed at him.

Din yanked the flight stick to the side, continuing to dodge the projectiles. But Din knew it wouldn't last long. On queue, the side of his bullhead was hit, making him lose control of the bullhead.

Din grabbed his pulse rifle and got up from the pilot's seat. Opening the door Din waited a second before jumping from the smoking bullhead. He watched as the bullhead spun out of control until crashing to the ground.

Activating his Jetpack, he rocketed towards the school grounds trying to put as much distance from him and the warships. He saw the ground rapidly approaching, flipping around, he slowed his approach. His descent rapidly slowing until landing smoothly.

???: Hey! Who're you?

Din turned his head seeing the same blonde-haired girl from before. He ignored and turned to walk towards the tower, his cape blowing in the wind.

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