Ahsoka vs Cinder

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In the Atlas Medical Facility, Penny Polendina flies through the hole in the wall of Fria's room in an attempt to punch Cinder Fall. However, Cinder catches her fist with her Shadow Hand and then, using the arm's stretching ability, flings her through a nearby pair of double doors. Cinder starts to walk into Fria's room, only to be impeded by Winter Schnee's flock of small Nevermore summons.

At the tail end of the flock, Winter charges toward her, swinging her sword at her. Cinder does a back handspring to dodge it and a subsequent attack then sidesteps a thrust from Winter. She then uses her Maiden powers to form a pair of black glass swords to block as Winter swings her own sword down at her. She steps forward, pushing on Winter's sword and keeping their weapons locked together.

Cinder: You Atlas elites are all the same!

Winter starts to push back, and Cinder breaks her swords free of the lock. Cinder begins swinging her swords at Winter, who blocks the strikes with her own sword. As Winter attempts to fight back, Cinder parries her attacks.

Cinder: You think hoarding power means you'll have it forever, but it just makes the rest of us hungrier.

She kicks Winter hard enough to send her flying, causing her to slam into a wall. One of Penny's swords flies past Cinder's head and stabs into the wall that Winter was slammed into. Cinder looks at the sword, then toward the doorway she had sent Penny through.

Cinder: And I refuse to starve.

Penny rockets toward Cinder and begins swinging and spinning her swords at her, only for Cinder to block the attacks. Penny recalls her swords and then sends them flying forward to stab Cinder, who jumps, spins and swings her swords to dodge and deflect Penny's. Behind Cinder, Winter withdraws her smaller sword from within her main one and charges at her. Cinder leaps and spins over Winter, blocking the attack with her own swords. She flips back to dodge Penny's swords, then blocks another attack from Penny before jumping and flipping over Winter to dodge her. Cinder blocks a strike from Winter, who then blocks a strike from Cinder.

Cinder then leaps and stands on Winter's large sword to dodge Penny's attack, then kicks Winter in the face, knocking her to the floor. Cinder jumps and kicks Penny, knocking her over, as well. Winter charges toward Cinder, who leaps and flips over her, leaving Winter standing in front of the entrance to Fria's room. Penny moves to stand beside Winter. Angered, Cinder activates her Maiden powers, drops her swords and screams before emitting a jet of fire from her feet to rocket herself toward Winter and Penny. As she reaches them, she grabs them each by the throat and smashes through a wall with them, exiting the tower.

Winter swings her large sword at Cinder, who uses the stretching ability of her Shadow Hand to move Winter too far away for the sword to hit her. Penny momentarily activates her jets, causing the trio to spin in the air. Winter stabs her smaller sword into Cinder's Shadow Hand, causing the latter to scream in pain and drop her. Winter drops the smaller sword and falls, while Cinder emits jets of flame from her feet. She watches Winter plummet while black smoke pours from her wound. Cinder then turns her attention to Penny and tosses her away before conjuring a flame-covered black glass sword and kicking it toward Penny. Penny activates her jets and catches the blade between her hands, only for the sword to explode, sending her momentarily tumbling through the air and screaming in pain. Penny reactivates her jets and flies back up into the air, while Cinder watches, panting.

Cinder: I have come too far to be stopped by some toy!

A blue fireball suddenly hits Cinder, and Winter approaches them, riding on a Manticore summon. Cinder rights herself with fire jets and shoots a fireball, only for Winter's Manticore to dodge and spit a fireball back. Penny and Winter both fly toward Cinder from two different directions. Winter reaches her first, her Manticore slamming against Cinder on its way past. While Cinder is distracted and throwing a fireball at Winter, Penny slashes her with her swords. Cinder charges Penny, who fights back and then moves out of the way while Winter's Manticore spits another fireball, which hits Cinder.

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