Death and Sacrifice

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Emerald slowly made her way through Monstra, unsettled by the war, shaking Monstra.

Emerald knew that Salem was angry and frustrated at this war. The Being had obviously angered Salem beyond what they had seen before.

She had just heard Oscar tell Hazel about what would happen if Salem got all the relics together. The world would be destroyed...

Emerald felt so conflicted... and she needed to talk with Mercury.

Mercury was currently packing a bag, putting ammo and clothes in before zipping it up. He sighed, once he realized he wasn't alone.

Mercury: Yeah?

Emerald: Do you have a minute?

Mercury turned to face Emerald, reading her body posture. She was nervous about something.

Mercury: Is it about Cinder?

He knew how Emerald felt about, Cinder. How she was something of a mother figure to her and was devastated when she realized the truth.

Emerald: Well, no. It's not...

Emerald told Mercury what she overheard Ozpin say, how once Salem had all the relic's she would destroy the world.

Mercury: Em, he's a prisoner, he'll say anything to get out.

Emerald: I know, it's just...

Mercury waited patiently, Emerald struggling to find the right words. Before she suddenly hugs Mercury, this surprises him, but he rests a hand on her back.

Emerald: I just... Cinder got me off the streets, I thought that someone finally cared for me... and now...

Mercury: (quietly) I care for you.

Emerald: What?

Mercury: (now flustered) I-I mean, w-we're partners, right?

Emerald lets go, letting Mercury calm down and clear his throat.

Mercury: Besides, what are we going to do? Do you think they'll let us join if we mutiny?

The Being: I would, you just have to ask.

The two whirl around, seeing The Being standing next to them.

Emerald: H-How did you?

The Being: Get in here? Just a simple use of teleportation.

The two still remained shocked, but eventually gained enough courage to speak.

Emerald: Y-You could help us?

The Being: Of course. That is what I do.

Mercury: Is it true Salem can't be killed? That she wants to end the world?

Tyrian: (laughing) Of course she is! You're surprised? Salem is destruction incarnate! (giggling) Our mistress wishes to see the end of it all! There is no ideal more beautiful.

Tyrian claps his hand on Mercury's shoulder and curls his scorpion's tail around him, but just as quickly pushes him away.

Tyrian: If you couldn't see that from the start, you must be out of your mind. (giggling)

He leers at Emerald and Mercury, his tail curling and uncurling sinisterly, he walks forward towards where The Being stood, the god made no attempt to hide his presence.

Emerald and Mercury begin to sweat nervously, thinking they've been had. But to the surprise of the two, Tyrian passed straight through, as if he wasn't there at all.

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