Reincarnation part 2

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Vader stood, his arms crossed as the bullhead neared

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Vader stood, his arms crossed as the bullhead neared.

His mechanical breathing wasn't activated, for he felt no anger at the moment.

As the bullhead floated above the ground, the doors on the side opened. 5 people jumped out.

One was a shorter woman that had robotic implants on her leg. A taller woman with a hammer with rockets attached.

A Faunus, a dog one he assumed once he saw his tail. A man that looked like he was malnourished, but wasn't, and a man with a clover pin on his jacket.

Vader stood still, having his arms crossed as the huntsman pointed their weapons at him.

Clover: Stand down Vader... there's no need for conflict.

Harriet: I disagree.

Clover: (ignoring Harriet) We have orders to bring you in peacefully, but we will use lethal force if needed.

Vader still didn't move, they slowly inched closer to the force-wielder. They tended when he finally spoke.

Vader: On whose order?

Vader doubted that Qrow was able to deliver the message that quickly, but it was a possibility.

Clover: What?

Vader: Who ordered my arrest, huntsman?

Clover: General Ironwood.

Vader: (Of course)

Clover: Alright, Marrow?

Clover motioned to the dog Faunus, he extended his arm towards Vader and uttered a single word.

Marrow: Stay!

Vader attempted to move, only to find it impossible.

He cursed internally, this was Marrows semblance. He wouldn't be able to concentrate the force as easily without the ability to move.

Clover handed Harriet some form of restraints, she nodded and sped towards him, using her semblance.

She moved his arms to attach the restraints, taking his lightsaber off his belt. Giving Vader the ability to speak again.

Vader: Where are you taking me?

Harriet: That's classified.

Vader: If you put me in another experimentation room, I will personally drop Atlas.

They all flinched at the sudden change in his voice, Harriet growled.

Harriet: Is that a threat?

Vader: Yes...

Vader turned his head, his emotionless helmet staring deep into her soul.

Vader: It is...

Clover: Okay... The General just wants to speak with you, and the rest of your group this was the easiest way to bring you in.

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