Chapter 1: A Sith Ends

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Luke: Father please! 

Luke said, looking up to Vader, squirming from the pain Palpatine's lighting was spreading through his body.

Sidious: And now, young Skywalker, you will die

His master said to his son, one who was lying on the ground and only moments before had been begging for his help.

Vader simply watched as Sidious unleashed another barrage of force lightning at the figure of his son, a figure emanating smoke and twisting from the brutal pain Palpatine was causing upon us.

As he heard his son's screams and the lightning making its way across Luke's body, he made a decision, Vader turned to his master, looking at him he realized the great deal of satisfaction that the suffering of his son brought to Sidious.

Vader: No 

He said simply, Sidious apparently not noticing of the single word that came out of his apprentice. Vader positioned himself behind his master 

Vader: NO! 

He repeated, lifting Palpatine with his mechanic limbs, to the Sith Lord's surprise.

Sidious' lighting shifted targets, instead of targeting Luke, it was now targeting Vader, just like he wanted. Force lighting coursed through Vader, causing unimaginable pain to the Sith Lord turned to the light once more, but Vader didn't care, determined to save his son from death at the hands of his twisted master.

The biggest weakness of his suit came down barreling on Vader, electricity, the one weakness that Palpatine would exploit to easily subdue Vader, just as he had done countless times in the long and agonizing 23 years in which he had been the emperor's hound.

His son had succeeded, he was back to the light and, even if every step towards the reactor shaft could very well be his last, he would push on, just to save Luke.

Finally, he had reached the edge of the shaft, and with his last remaining strength, he threw the emperor down the saft, savoring the sight of the man that had caused him so much suffering plummeting to his death. He had taken the love of his life, his beautiful Padmé, he had taken his best friend from him, Obi-Wan Kenobi, he locked him into his own personal prison, the one that caused him so much pain, and he tried to take his children from him. But it didn't matter anymore.

Vader stumbled to the railing close to the shaft and saw with great pleasure, as the emperor of the galaxy seemingly exploded. He took in the sight, along with the screams he heard from him on his way down, as payback for what Palpatine had just done to Luke. Satisfied, he fell onto his knees, his artificial respirator not working properly, just as expected.

He felt Luke kneeling behind him and grabbing onto him, pulling him into his arms and then to his feet. His son was helping him walk to his ship, Vader watched as the remaining imperial staff of the second Death Star was evacuating from the battle station.

As he fell to the ground once again, Luke dragged him to the ramp of his escape ship and lay him there.

Luke helped Vader lay his back against the ramp and faced his mask. 

Vader: Luke, help me take this mask off.

Luke: But you'll die 

His son replied, always concerned about others, just like he had been when he was still Anakin, The hero with no fear. He remembered how he was anything but. When the clone wars were in full force, Anakin was plagued by the fear of failing, of losing. And just as master Yoda told him all those years ago, that fear led him to lose the only thing he truly cared about. And that gave way to suffering.

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