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A few weeks after the fall, Yang sat on her bed, occasionally sighing when she would look at her short arm. Sighing, occasionally having a flashback of Adam Taurus making her arm shake.

Yang sighed and checked her scroll, looking up when her father entered her room.

Taiyang: Yang... you have a visitor, I think it's best if you come and see this.

Yang got up from her bed and began walking towards the dining room. Seeing Vader sitting at the table, forming a smile on her face.

Yang: Hi, Mr. Vader.

Vader: Good morning Yang, how did you sleep?

Yang: (sitting down across from Vader) I still have nightmares about Taurus.

Vader: I bet you do... well, your father asked me to make something for you.

Vader picked up a box from the ground and placed it on the table, sliding it towards her.

Yang: What is it?

Vader: Open it and find out.

Yang slowly opened the box and gasped when she saw it, a mechanical arm rested inside, colored with her favorite colors, black and yellow.

Vader: I designed off my own arm actually.

Vader said rolling up his sleeve, revealing his own mechanical arm, Yang could see the similarities now, the hand moved like a normal one, except that its fingers were surrounded by a kind of mesh making it easier to grip things.

Vader: Here we have to put this on first.

Vader said picking up a cylindrical object with a cylindar on the end, Yang stared at it with fear.

Vader: This may sting a little but.

Yang turned her head away and nodded, Vader unwrapped the short arm, and slid on the connecter, feeling a little prick as it connected with the nerves.

Yang: Wait, was that it?

Yang turned her head seeing the large needle sticking outwards, instead of what she thought would happen.

Vader: This cylinder attaches the arm to the connecter, allowing you to move it more freely.

Yang examined it curiously, before grabbing the arm and slid the cylinder into it, she heard a locking noise then examined the arm, she moved it around, noticing it wasn't any different or difficult to move it around.

She smiled, it was just like having her own arm again.

Vader: Of course, I made some of my own improvements.

Yang clenched her fist, a gauntlet sprang out of the sides ready to fight, she relaxed her hand and it shrank back inside.

Yang: Thank you.

She said hugging Vader, he lightly patted her back before standing.

Yang: What are you guys doing now anyway?

Vader: Well... Ruby, Din, and Team JNPR already left for Haven, Qrow is going to join up with them later, while I have my own mission.

Yang: What is it?

Vader hesitated for a moment, before speaking.

Vader: I'm going to find your mother, I have need of her.

Yang was shocked by this, her mother? What would Vader need with her? Is that why he came over?

Yang: Is that why you visited?

A sith dies, A huntsman rises.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz