The fall

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Vader sped through the castle rapidly searching for Salem. Finding her while using the force, he burst into the room.

Salem: Vader? What are you doing?

Vader: Where is Cinder.

Salem: I already sent her away why -

She didn't finish as Vader beheaded her with his lightsaber, knowing that wouldn't kill her. But it would buy Vader time.

Vader: Dammit.

He sped through the castle, using the force to speed him through. He reached the landing platform where he saw Watts.

Watts: Ah, Vader how can I help you -

He was cut off as Vader force punched him against the wall, knocking him unconscious. Running into his bullhead, Vader powered it on. Lifting off the ground, Vader punched it into full speed. Zooming towards Beacon.

As Ozpin watched the feed of the final fight between Pyrrha, Din pointed out Emerald in the crowd. Ozpin quickly radioing Ironwood.

Ozpin: Ironwood, we found Emerald! She's in the front row...

Ozpin was cut off as they watched the fight. Pyrrha unleashing a shockwave of magnetism, tearing Penny into pieces.

Ozpin: Oh my Oum...

As they watched the feed, a voice came on the speakers, Cinders voice.

Cinder: This is not a tragedy. This was not an accident. This is what happens when you hand over your trust, your safety, your children, to men who claim to be our guardians but are in reality nothing more than men. Our academies' headmasters wield more power than most armies, and one was audacious enough to control both.

Pyrrha gasped and covered her mouth at the sight before her.

Din: Ozpin... the Grimm.

Ozpin looked out the window, seeing an army of Grimm descending upon the city. easily tearing the Atlas soldiers to pieces.

Cinder: They cling to this power in the name of peace, and yet, what do we have here? One nation's attempt at a synthetic army mercilessly torn apart by another's star pupil. What need would Atlas have for a soldier disguised as an innocent little girl?

One of the warships began to turn towards the rest of them, opening fire. Roman Torchwick laughing away.

Glynda was on the streets of Vale, seeing the Grimm rapidly approaching.

Cinder: I don't think the Grimm can tell the difference. And what, I ask you, is Ozpin teaching his students? First, a dismemberment, now this? Huntsmen and Huntresses should carry themselves with honor and mercy, yet I have witnessed neither.

Vader listened to the feed as he increased the speed of the bullhead with the force.

Din smashed the window with his boot and jumped out. Activating his jetpack he began picking off Grimm one by one.

Cinder: Perhaps Ozpin felt as though defeating Atlas in the tournament would help people forget his colossal failure to protect Vale when the Grimm invaded its streets. Or perhaps this was his message to the tyrannical dictator that has occupied an unsuspecting kingdom with armed forces.

Weiss and Blake were in the streets of Vale, powerless without their weapons. Quickly grabbing their scrolls and summoning their lockers.

Cinder: Honestly, I haven't the slightest clue as to who is right and who is wrong, but I know that the existence of peace is fragile, and the leaders of our kingdoms conduct their business with iron gloves. As someone who hails from Mistral, I can assure you the situation there is equally undesirable.

A sith dies, A huntsman rises.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu