New students.

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Vader folded his cape in the teacher's quarters, he had been given his own room by Ozpin, still processing what had gone down.

Teaching. Vader had never considered it. Sure, he taught Ahsoka as his padawan but never an entire class, and these people weren't even Jedi. He thought back to previously that day.

Vader: What class would I teach?

Ozpin: Well...You could share the combat class with Glynda, I know you would be unfit to teach history, due to your past. (He held up his hand to stop Vader's protest) Qrow told me everything, I would be honored to have a person from another world teach at my school.

Vader: Do you have a weapons class?

Ozpin smiled at this.

Ozpin: No, Mr. Vader we do not, welcome aboard.

Vader: Please, call me Vader.

Vader decided not to correct Ozpin about his credentials, it felt wrong having this man call him lord.

Vader placed his helmet on the table, deciding not to discard it yet, it may serve a purpose later.

He heard a knock on his door, turning around, he walked towards it and opened the door with the force. Seeing Glynda standing there, immensely blushing when she saw him. Vader looked down and saw why, he was currently shirtless since he didn't have his armor on.

Glynda: H-Here! Ozpin said to deliver you these clothes!

Vader simply smiled and said a quick thank you, before closing the door.

Glynda stood there for a second before turning to walk away.

Glynda: Gather yourself, Glynda! It's not your fault he was ripped...standing there shirtless... Ugh!

Vader smiled and observed the clothes, he didn't actually know Ms. Goodwitch was there. But this confirmed his suspicion that she had feelings for him. He laid the clothes out on the bed, examining them, they were incredibly similar to the Jedi robes he wore during the clone wars. How Ozpin was able to find them eluded Vader but he was happy nonetheless.

Vader heard a buzzing from the table, the device Ozpin had given to him, a scroll if he recalled correctly, was vibrating. Picking up the scroll, he saw a picture of Ozpin, with two buttons one green and one red.

Pressing the green one he heard audio emit from a small speaker on the device, Vader put the device up to his ear so he was able to hear it better.

Ozpin: Hello? Vader, can you hear me?

Vader: Yes I can now, I apologize if this is difficult, I have yet to figure out how to work this strange device you have gifted me.

Ozpin: Well, It's not too difficult when you get the hang of it, anyways the first-year students will be arriving I would like for you to go down there to mingle with the new arrivals.

Mingle? Vader thought to himself, he never considered himself good with children. But might as well learn about the new arrivals before classes begin.


Vader had worn his armor when he walked to the main path, Ozpin had informed him that the new students would be arriving via bullhead, he wished for him to be there, maybe to intimidate the new students into behaving? The reason eluded Vader for the time being.

Vader watched as a large bullhead flew out of the clouds, it slowly came to a stop on the ground, a gust of wind blowing his cape back.

He watched as the side door opened, new students, pouring out. He stood with his arms crossed, people stared as they walked past, whispering and pointing.

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