Battle Of The Gods (finale) part 1

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And... here, we... go.

-The Joker.

The Being floated forward, watching the beams of yellow and purple. Annoying thoughts moving through his mind.

The two beams were, of course, the two brothers.

The God Of Light was yellow, with white eyes. He had yellow antlers attached to his head.

The God Of Darkness was shorter than his brother, with purple skin and horns on his head. Both turned towards The Being.

God (god of Darkness): You...

Gof: You have broken the laws of the universe.

The Being: Do not patronize me by reading the laws, I was there when they were made.

Gof: Then wouldn't the others disagree with what you have done?

The Being reflected on the two that would have disagreed with him.

Fate and Death.

Fate was an old friend of The Being, he remembered back to the last time they had met. They were sharing Nebula tea and catching up, Fate had an endless library documenting the lives of every hero, villain, and whoever didn't fit those two descriptions.

Fate enjoyed documenting The Beings experiments, and wouldn't mind that Pyrrha had been reincarnated.

Death, unlike popular belief, was female. The last time the two had met... well... let's just say it resulted in the birth of several universes.

God: Brother, I believe humanity deserves to be judged again.

Gof: As do I...

God: (readying his hand with purple energy) I find them... guilty.

Before the God of Darkness could finish his attack, his hands were cut off.

The god looked stupefied, turning towards The Being who had his hand extended.

God: You dare?!

The Being: I will do (summons cube to his hand) far more than dare.

The Being crushed his cube, the blue energy leaving the object. The energy swirled around the god, making him grow in size.

The Being shed his suit, it dissolving into blue particles. He continued to grow, until he was twice as tall as the God of Light.

The two brothers looked at each other, before joining together. As they fused together, they grew till they were almost as tall as The Being.

The Being: Oh yes, getting taller will stop me...

When the two gods fused, half of their body was the God of Light, while the other half was the God of Darkness. With one antler and horn on their heads.

Fusion God: This is our planet.

The Being: Not anymore.

The Being motions with his hand, snapping his fingers.

The Being: Do you know what that was?

Fusion god remained silent.

The Being: It's called misdirection.

The Being punched straight through the god's chest.

Salem sent a flurry of flames toward Vader, who dashed to the side, avoiding the attack. Swinging his lightsaber, Salem bent her spine so she could avoid the attack.

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