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Vader: A bird?

Vader said, looking up from the path he had been following to a small bird with red eyes that was standing in a branch.

It wouldn't be anything remarkable, except for the fact that Vader felt a strong deal of power emerging from it. Raising his hand to use the force and see what the bird would do, he was surprised as the bird seemingly realized it was in danger and tried to take flight and get away.

He felt other presences surround him from the bushes, that bird was most definitely not normal.

Vader released his grip on the bird and observed it as it took flight towards him, he was left completely stunned, as, after a small cloud of smoke, the bird transformed into a woman in a mask.

The only sound that resonated through the forest was his mechanic breathing, he didn't need it, but it had been a great tool of intimidation the last 20 years. He scanned the woman closely.

She had very long black hair and a red outfit, she wore a short black skirt, red armguards placed in her forearms and what was apparently a sword placed in a sheath in the left side of her hip.

Vader looked upon her, her mask resembling the creatures he had fought earlier, it had a beautiful pattern etched upon it. Looking down he realized her skin was as pale as snow, reminding him of the Umbarans, the race that got their pale skin due to the lack of sunlight in the surface of Umbara.

???: Who are you?

She asked Vader, he ignored the question, more focused on the presences circling around the bushes to try and flank him, they thought they were stealthy, even if he was completely blind in the force he could've easily seen the erratically shaking bushes

???: I'll say it once again. Who ar-

She stopped mid-sentence, as she noticed how Vader clenched his fist tightly, she started reaching for her sword when suddenly her mask snapped into a thousand pieces.

Vader saw her face, as pale as her whole body, to say she was beautiful would be a big understatement, but, as surprise etched her face, Vader couldn't help but to notice the piercing red eyes this woman possessed, automatically reminding him of the Chiss Ascendancy, more specifically, Thrawn.

Vader was surprised, as the woman did not show any signs of feeling the force choke he was trying to put upon her. He frowned beneath his mask.

The surprise vanished from her face, instead replaced by the narrowing of her eyes, in mere moments a red blade had been drawn out, already pointing at his face. It seemed she had realized he would not be an easy foe.

After she pointed her sword at him, many bandits started pouring out of their hiding spots in the tall trees that surrounded the dirt road he was walking barely a minute ago. They looked smug and plainly despicable.

One of them, stood in front of the rest of the bandits, ready to talk, blond hair and quite the Shady appearance

Bandit: Good day, mister, that armor you have is really sweet, I think I'll take from you.

He said, pulling some kind of hybrid between a knife and a slugthrower.

Bandit: If you haven't realized yet, you're getting robbed, buddy

Vader: Scum

Vader retorted, his cold, robotic voice resonating across the forest. They were scum, bandits that would only cause pain to others, his use of the dark side on them was justified. As Vader let the dark side of the force flow through him, the man moved his mouth to talk once again.

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