Boots on the ground

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Me rewatching Volume 8

Gets to Cinders backstory: Aw, I almost feel bad for you.


Jaune and Pyrrha made their way through the hallways, looking for their friends. Eventually, they found them. Team RWBY had changed their outfits as well, while team VADM (Vladimir) hadn't.

Their next mission involved Amity tower, Ironwood had explained earlier that he planned to use Amity to make a global communications center. Telling the world about Salem so they could all work together.

The problem was that someone was killing people that opposed Ironwood, making the people begin to distrust him. While this was a problem, Vader did not care. The reason was that an election was coming up for the Mayor of Atlas. The two other candidates were a woman named Robyn and Jaques Schnee.

Vader did not like politics and paid no mind to it. Choosing to focus on their current mission instead.

They all sat in a troop carrier bullhead, along with the Ace ops. They were currently moving towards an abandoned Dust mine, needed for the launch of Amity.

Vader was glad the members of Team RWBY and JNPR were given full huntsman licenses. They were all level C rated huntsman, while his team excluding himself were level A. Vader himself was level S.

Vader did not understand why that was such an accomplishment but used it to his full advantage.

Clover: Alright people! We're approaching the landing site! Remember the plan, clear out the Grimm and try not to damage the dust? I'd rather not explode today!

Clover shouted over the now open door, Vader stood out of acknowledgment. Before turning and leaping out of the side, surprising the Ace Ops.

Harriet: What's he doing?! He jumped right into the heart of the Grimm activity!

Din: Trust me, we know what we're doing.

Din loaded a bolt into his pulse rifle before jumping out the bullhead as well. He angeled himself in the air, before activating his jetpack to fly.

Ahsoka: We'll clear out a landing space for you, get ready to land.

Maul and Ahsoka were next, jumping out on separate sides and using the force to slow their fall. The Ace Ops stared out of hock and amazement as they saw glowing blades slice through Grimm effortlessly.

Vader was surrounded, with precise lightsaber swings he wasted no time on a single Grimm. When a single horde crawled over each other to get to Vader, he pulled his arm back concentrating on the force.

He released a devastating force push, launching all the Grimm to their deaths. Ahsoka used her dual blades to her advantage, using the force to improve her speed.

Maul was a red blur, he flew through the battlefield using the dual-bladed saber to act as a wheel of death. He threw the saber, cutting through several Grimm before pulling it back to himself. Flipping over a beowolf swipe, slicing the arm off.

Din used the pulse rifle to wound the flying Grimm, before pulling out the dark saber to drive them to the ground.

With the number of Grimm severely brought down, the bullhead landed in the clearing. The other three teams emerging from the bullhead.

Clover: That was... impressive.

Vader: Let us finish the mission.

As they entered the mine, the Ace ops broke off one way while the rest went another. Eventually, another fork in the road appeared, forcing them to split into groups of six.

A sith dies, A huntsman rises.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang