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Vader sat next to Ahsoka on a couch, they were packing to go to the train station, Vader floated his lightsaber out and deconstructed it, before reconstructing it again. Vader sighed and clipped it back to his belt.

Ruby: We need to take the relic to Atlas?

Qrow: That's what Oz said.

Everyone looks over to Weiss, then glanced over at Vader.

Weiss: You've got to be joking?

Vader: My thoughts exactly when I heard the news.

Din: A runaway heiress and a escaped research subject enters Atlas, the place where they would be desperately hunted for. This isn't a good idea.

Nora: I mean, bright side. We finally get out of this house.

Maul: I am more comfortable in a house with a good roof then a experimentation cell.

Weiss sighs at these remarks.

Qrow: Well trust me, I'm not crazy about it either. And without the Spring Maiden here to seal the relic back in its vault, its out best option.

Vader looked over at Yang, he could sense her sadness and see it on her face. She obviously didn't like being reminded about her mother.

Ren: Atlas may be the safest kingdom we have at the moment, but the borders are closed. General Ironwood called everyone back.

Qrow: Eh, not everyone.

Qrow's scrollshowcases a holomap where there's a glowing portion shown, he continues to explain his plan.

Qrow: The city of Argus is a ways north of us and it's the primary trading port between Anima and Solitas. They've got the largest Atlas military base outside the kingdom. There's no way they'd leave it abandoned and if we play our cards right, I think there's a good chance we could convince them to escort us straight to Ironwood.

Vader: The odds are rarely in our favor, I doubt this will be the same.

Blake: I mean, we do have the missing heiress to the Schnee Dust Company. And I bet there's a reward for Vader as well.

Vader: I do not approve of where this plan is going.

Weiss: "Ex heiress" actually.

Yang: True, true. But if there's a chance of reward money I say we go for it.

Yang playfully winks at Weiss before glancing at a unmasked Vader who continued to stare at the relic.

Ozpin: Hopefull the first option will suffice.

Vader and the others all look back to see the farm boy walking into he room.

Qrow: Glad to see you're feeling better.

Ozpin: Likewise. And while I'm sure we could all use more time to recover, I'm afraid time is of the essence.

Din: (sighs before standing) Alright then, I'll get my blasters.

Jaune: Speaking of... what does it do exactly? Qrow never really told us.

Qrow glances over at the headmaster who had his back against them, he then turns to face them with a smile as he unkoos the relic from his waist.

Ozpin: Of course. The Relic of Knowledge has a wonderful and incredibly dangerous ability. It's user can ask any question, and the lamp will provide an answer.

Ren looks in awe as Ozpin places the lamp on the table in front of them.

Ren: Intriguing...

Maul: Hmm.

A sith dies, A huntsman rises.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя