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Ahsoka, Din, Ruby, Nora, Ren, and Qrow are all gathered within Ironwood's office. Din had lost Tyrian in the alleyways after giving chase and was still disappointed about that, he thought back to the events prior.

Din ran through the alleyways, blaster in one hand, and spear in the other. As he round a corner, he felt a kick collide with his chest.

Tyrian: You... saw too much!

Tyrian drew his blades and tried attacking Din, he raised his gauntlets deflecting the blades. Holstering his blaster, he gripped his beskar spear with both hands.

Tyrian began growing frustrated, his opponent's armor not letting him land a hit. An idea came to mind, one that made him chuckle evilly.

Spinning, he lifted the spear up with his legs, allowing Din's chest to become exposed. Reaching forward, with his arm's glowing purple his hand collided with the beskar plate.

Tyrian smiled gleefully, waiting for Din's aura to flicker but was surprised when nothing happened.

Din: Suprised?

Tyrian looked up to see a fist colliding with his face, he reeled back from the blow still confused about his semblance.

Deciding to ask Watts about this, he ran away, eventually losing Din to the Grimm in the city.

Din comes out of his memories, seeing everyone with worried looks on their faces as the general overlooks security cam footage of Robyn's truck suddenly becoming invisible. Ironwood angrily slams his fist into the table.

Ironwood: This is the worst-case scenario! More people are dead, Penny's been framed, and somehow, Jacques Schnee is sitting on the council.

Clover: That's the second shipment for Amity that was hit today. It seems election night was the last push Robyn needed to go from hometown hero to full-on vigilante.

Ahsoka: This doesn't make any sense...

Ironwood: Which part, Robyn showing her true colors or the truck suddenly going invisible?!

Ahsoka: Calm yourself, "General". I am talking about how suddenly the tides turned in Jacques' favor. Robyn was clearly in the lead so how did that change so briefly?

On queue, a call comes into the desk. It was Vader.

Ironwood: Hello Vader, what is it?

Vader: I have seen the video of Penny... Do not worry, I know she isn't the one responsible. Even if I might not know who killed those people, I may know who made it seem like she did.

Vader: Arthur Watts is one of Salem's closest supporters... and a technological genius of himself. He must have used some sort of hologram technology disguising the true killer. His presence in Atlas would also explain how Jacques Schnee was able to win the election. 

Ironwood: But, Watts died in the paladin incident! And how would he have access to the Atlas database?

Vader: He was very much alive when I was at Salem's castle. I do not how he may have access to Atlas, I would look into that.

Ironwood: Very well, thank you, Vader. Hurry back once you have finished with your mission *ends call*

Winter: While that may solve one problem, there is a more complicated one.

Ironwood sighs at this, pacing behind his desk.

Ironwood: It seems Robyn has emboldened our suppliers in Mantle. They're refusing to sell us provisions until the city is adequately repaired. With Robyn redistributing the goods her team has stolen, the Amity Project is completely stalled.

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