Battle of Haven

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The Being floated into the room, having frozen time he observed both sides of combat, not interested in the lifeforms that were born on this planet.

He was certainly feeling excitement for the upcoming fight. Summoning a chair, he floated into the air and summoned some popcorn, unfreezing time.

Vader charged Tank, who blocked his initial strike with his long broadsword, Their blades clashing together, Vader toying with the large Grimm knight as he effortlessly danced through his attacks.

Tank became aggravated and tried shield bashing him, but Vader responded with an incredible force push launching the Grimm back into the wall. He recovered surprisingly quickly, he aimed his shield at Vader, who responded with confusion.

Vader then watched as the shield began glowing red, Vader motioned with his hand, the shield turned to the left firing the beam in a completely wrong direction, disintegrating one of Slicer's hands.

Maul charged forward, immediately going on the offensive not wanting to leave Oscar alone with that burly man. Maul span, stabbing at the Grimm, every time one of his red blades was deflected back, Slicer would find another one moving towards him with incredible speed.

This was Maul's advantage... speed, and power. The Knight had obviously had never fought an opponent with a double-bladed weapon. Slicer was eventually able to parry one of his attacks, making Maul backflip backward.

Maul extended his lightsaber in a taunting pose, the Knight obviously understanding. Slicer lept up to stab at him, Maul saw Vader move the shield laser towards him. Using this to his advantage, he dodged backward making the beam hit Slicer.

Due to his speed, he was able to dodge most of the blast, one of his sword's hands was incinerated. He roared in pain looking at his cauterized wrist.

Lancer dashed forward, aiming to puncture Ahsoka. She deflected the attack with her second saber, making him off balance. She spun in a circle, holding her lightsabers underhand she tried stabbing into the Grimm's side but it moved its blade to deflect.

Ahsoka continued to deflect, occasionally attacking to learn her opponent's fighting style, he seemed to primarily focus on the reach of his weapon, if she could get in close he would have difficulty deflecting.

Ahsoka did just that, dodging a swipe, she slashed outwards sparks flying off the lightsaber resistant blade. Ahsoka deflected a stab aimed at her head and tripped him with the force, using this to her advantage she was able to partially stab the knight before he rolled to the side.

Din charged his jet pack and launched forward with incredible speed, Geist shot at his helmet and was surprised when the bullet simply bounced off. Since he was distracted, Din was able to tackle him and they went crashing into the next room.

Geist tossed Din off him, who used his jet pack to stabilize himself, before getting into a defensive stance. Geist shifting his sniper to spear form.

Geist: I must say, most people aren't even able to touch me.

Din: You speak... you're friends don't speak.

Geist: They aren't intelligent enough to speak your language.

Geist charged forward, extending his spear to full length, Din deflected the spear away and sliced at the Grimm, who simply shifted and let the blade pass through him.

Geist shifted back and kicked Din in the Ribs, sending him flying back into the wall, He dodged the thrown spear, and tried attacking Geist again, only for him to phase straight through and grab his spear.

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