The truth revealed

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Jinn: Salem was forced to live in a lonely tower... guarded by treacherous forces.

The mist changed shape again to show suits of armor having red energy stored within.

Jinn: But one day...

The mist changed shape again to reveal a warrior carrying a green staff with a green crystal atop of it. The students thought he looked a lot like Ozpin, he strode forward with a confident look on his face.

Jinn: A great warrior that only fought for righteousness, and was courageous and pure of heart, appeared. The warrior's name was Ozma.

Jinn: One day, Ozma set out on a quest to save the lone woman. Who was continued to be locked in that lone tower, many people had tried before and failed. 

Maul looked around noticing the smoking armor and discarded weapons.

Jinn: Ozma rescued Salem, and fought their way through the castle until reaching its outer borders. After the two escaped together, they fell in love and planned to spend the rest of their lives with each other traveling the world and going on adventurers.

Qrow continued to stare at the two as they walked towards a village, following close behind.

Jinn: However, the great warrior Ozma fell ill, all the monsters and all the beats he had beaten. Ozma was defeated by sickness and soon passed away.

Ruby covered her mouth in shock as the image showed a crying Salem over a dead Ozma.

Jinn: Heartbroken and angry, Salem traveled to the Domain of Light where the God of Light dwelled. There, she pleaded with him to resurrect her love... but he refused.

The image showed a bright figure with antlers floating over a kneeling Salem.

Jinn: Desperate for help, she then traveled to the lair of the God of Darkness, explaining her plight and taking care not to mention her visit with his elder brother. Pleased with her apparent loyalty, the God of Darkness rewarded her by bringing Ozma back from the dead, who responded to his sudden resurrection with great distress and confusion.

Jinn: However, at that moment, the God of Light intervened and returned Ozma to the afterlife to preserve balance, only for his brother to revive him again. 

Jinn: Salem had turned the Gods against each other, and as such the God of Darkness destroyed Ozma once more as punishment.

Maul felt sympathy as he stood over a weeping Salem who was then turned immortal as punishment from the God of Light.

Jinn: As Salem led the people of the world against the Gods, Ozma rested in the afterlife. After the Gods destroyed humanity. Another God appeared, this one much older than the two brothers and far wiser. 

Maul stared in question at a man that looked like to be made of the Cosmos itself. The God was surprisingly well dressed.

Jinn: The Being... The god of existence... had taken interest in the planet abandoned by the two brothers. Seeing the potential of the forgotten planet, The Being dispersed the Grimm, which had easily taken residence in Humanity's ruins.

The Maul watched as The Being snapped his fingers, the Grimm turning to dust. Before summoning a cube with his hand. Both Oscar and Ozpin stared at God, neither of them aware of his existence until now.

Jinn: The Being kept his presence hidden from the two brothers, this planet was his now and he would defend it... With the Grimm retreated back to their pools, humanity was allowed to begin to regrow, he made the Faunus, a mix between animals and humanity out of the memory of his beloved pet passing.

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