Counter Attack

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Alright folks! Here's the moment long awaited! Vader's return to Atlas!

Vader pressed several buttons on the dashboard, seeing if he could increase the speed of the bullhead at all.

He slammed a fist onto the console once he realized it was pointless.

Vader's mind began wandering, thinking of other solutions. Dust crystals powered the bullhead, like every other device on the planet.

Dust Crystals...


Vader stood from the pilots seat and moved to the back of the bullhead, activating the autopilot.

All ships needed a power source, no matter what size they were. Vader just needed to find it.

Finding a panel in the middle of the floor, he tore the metal sheet off to reveal the power source. A crystal generator powered the bullhead, Vader observed its size, and removed his lightsaber.

Was he really going to do this? Yes. He would.

He would have only mere moments after he removes the generator, to replace it with the kyber crystal.

Taking a deep breath, he removed the crystal from the lightsaber, and floated it into the air. Extending with his other hand, he took control of the bullhead sending him to a higher altitude.

Once he was high enough, Vader tore the generator out with the force and floated the crystal down.

Small bolts of energy collided with the kyber crystal as it rested in the place of the generator. The bullhead began humming with renewed power as the thrusters began powering on.

Realizing that he was plummeting towards the ground, he took his seat on the pilots chair again. Yanking the controls up to level his descent.

Vader then punched the thrusters forward, and the bullhead shot forward with incredible speed, Vader's head pressing against the pilots chair as a purple trail followed the bullhead.

As the speed continued to increase, a smile crept onto Vader's lips. It was just like flying a star fighter again.

Vader then realized he was still increasing speed and checked the map, seeing he was making incredible progress back towards Atlas.

Vader pushed the speed to the limit and shot off towards the horizon.

Winter Schnee sliced through a Saybr, before summoning several glyphs as a means of a barrier for the soldiers to fire over.

Concentrating on her glyphs, she summoned an Arma Gigas, the summon charging forward.

The Ace Ops fought around her, trying to keep the seemingly endless numbers of Grimm in check. Occasionally stealing glances at the floating Jellyfish moving towards them.

Winter wished the Leviathan would do something, anything, to help turn the tide.

Winter continued to feel conflicted, on one side, the General was trying to save Atlas for future prosperity. On the other, he was leaving all of Remnant defenseless with Remnants military might in the upper atmosphere.

She didn't know what to think about the General now... her thoughts uneasy after witnessing the murder of a councilman.

A screech brought Winter's attention skyward, as her eyes widened. A large flock of Teryx's began diving towards them.

She readied her sword for the coming onslaught, but the Teryx's were intercepted mid-way.

Purple bolts of energy collided with Grimm as a bullhead soared into view, an excess of purple energy trailing behind it.

A sith dies, A huntsman rises.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora